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SWP No. 094: Rebecca Nurse Executed July 19, 1692

(See also: Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant.)

SWP No. 94.1

Figure ecca1070r

Figure ecca1070v

(Warrant for the Apprehension of Rebecca Nurse, & Officer's Return )

[March 23, 1692]

To the Marshall of Essex or his deputie

There Being Complaint this day made (before us by Edward putnam and Jonathan putnam Yeomen both of Salem Village, Against Rebeca Nurce the wife of franc's Nurce of Salem Village for vehement Suspition, of haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft and thereby haveing donne Much hurt and Injury to the Bodys of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam of Salem Village Anna puttnam the dauter of Said Thomas putnam and Abigail Williams &c

You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Rebeca Nurce the wife of franc's Nurce of Salem Village, to Morrow aboute Eight of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersoll in Salem Village in order to her Examination Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile Salem March the 23'd 1691/2
per us *John. Hathorne ] Assists
*Jonathan Corwin ] Assists

March 24'th 1691/2 I have apprehended the body of Rebeca Nurse and brought her to the house of Le't Nath. Ingersal where shee is in Costody
per *George Herrick
Marshall of Essex

(Reverse) in the meeting house (be)
Mary Walkott
Marcy Lewis
Eliz: Hubberd

all these accused goody Nurce
then to her face that she then
hurt them &c and they saw
besides the others on Contra Side

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 70, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA.)

SWP No. 94.2

Figure ecca1072r

Figure ecca1072v

(Examination of Rebecca Nurse )

[March 24, 1692]

The examination of Rebekah Nurse at Salem Village
24. mar. 1691/2

Mr. Harthorn. What do you say (speaking to one afflicted)
have you seen this Woman hurt you?
Yes, she beat me this morning
Abigial . Have you been hurt by this Woman?
Ann Putman in a grievous fit cryed out that
she hurt her.
Goody Nurse , here are two An: Putman the child &
Abigail Williams complains of your hurting them
What do you say to it
N. I can say before my Eternal father I am innocent, &
God will clear my innocency
Here is never a one in the Assembly but desires it, but if
you be guilty Pray God discover you.
Then Hen: Kenny rose up to speak
Goodm: Kenny what do you say
Then he entered his complaint & farther said that since this
came into the house
he was seizd twise with an amaz'd condition
Here are not only these but, here is the wife of Mr Tho:
who accuseth you by credible information &
that both of tempting her to iniquity, & of greatly hurting her.
N. I am innocent & clear & have not been able to get
out of doors these 8. or 9. dayes.
Mr Putman: give in what you have to say
Then Mr Edward Putman gave in his relate
Is this true Goody Nurse
I never afflicted no child never in my life
You see these accuse you, is it true
Are you an innocent person relating to this Witchcraft.
Here Tho: Putmans wife cryed out, Did you not bring
the Black man with you, did you not bid me tempt
God & dye How oft have you eat and drunk y'r own damaon
What do you say to them
Oh Lord help me, & spread out her hands, & the
afflicted were greviously vexed
Do you not see what a solemn condition these
are in? when your hands are loose the pesons are
Then Mary Walcot (who often heretofore said she
had seen her, but never could say or did say that
she either bit or pincht her, or hurt her) & also
Eliz: Hubbardunder the like circumstances both
openly accused her of hurting them
Here are these 2 grown persons now accuse you, w't say you?
Do not you see these afflicted persons, & hear them accuse you.
The Lord knows I have not hurt them: I am an inno-
cent person
It is very awfull to all to see these agonies & you an old
Professor thus charged with contracting with the Devil by
the effects of it & yet to see you stand with dry eyes when
there are so many whet --
You do not know my heart
You would do well if you are guilty to confess & give
Glory to God
I am as clear as the child unborn
What uncertainty there may be in apparitions I
know not, yet this with me strikes hard upon you
that you are at this very present charged with fa-
miliar spirits: this is your bodily person they speak
to: they say now they see these familiar spirits com
to your bodily #[spirits com to your bodily] person, now what do you say to that
I have none Sir:
If you have confess & give glory to God I
pray God clear you if you be innocent, & if
you are guilty discover you And therefore give me
an upright answer: have you any familiarity
with these spirits?
No, I have none but with God alone.
How came you sick for there is an odd discourse
of that in the mouths of many --
I am sick at my stumach --
Have you no wounds
I have none but old age
You do Know whither you are guilty, & have familiarity
with the Devil, & now when you are here present to
see such a thing as these testify a black man whis-
pering in your ear, & birds about you what do you
say to it
It is all false I am clear
Possibly you may apprehend you are no witch, but
have you not been led aside by temptations that way
I have not
What a sad thing it is that a church member here &
now an other of Salem, should be thus accused and charged
Mrs Pope fell into a grevious fit, & cryed out a sad
thing sure enough: And then many more fell into lamentable fits.
Tell us have not you had visible appearances more
than what is common in nature?
I have noe nor never had in my life
Do you think these suffer voluntary or involuntary
I cannot tell
That is strange every one can judge
I must be silent
They accuse you of hurting them, & if you think it is
not unwillingly but by designe, you must look
upon them as murderers
I cannot tell what to think of it
Afterwards when this was som what insisted on
she said I do not think so: she did not under-
stand aright what was said
Well then give an answer now, do you think
these suffer against their wills or not
I do not think these suffer against their wills
Why did you never visit these afflicted persons
Because I was afraid I should have fits too
Note Upon the motion of her body #[had] fitts followed upon the
complainants abundantly & very frequently
Is it not an unaccountable case that when #[they]
you are examined these persons are afflicted?
I have got no body to look to but God
Again upon stirring her hands the afflicted persons
were seized with violent fits of torture
Do you beleive these afflicted persons are bewitcht
I do think they are
When this Witchcraft came upon the stage there was
no suspicion of Tituba ( Mr Paris's Indian woman)
she profest much love to that child Betty Paris , but
it was her apparition did the mischief, & why
should not you also be guilty, for your apparition
doth hurt also.
Would you have me bely my #[your] self --
she held her Neck on one side, & accordingly
so were the afflicted taken
Then Authority requiring it Sam: Paris read what
he had in characters taken from Mr Tho: Putmans
wife in her fitts
What do you think of this
I cannot help it, the Devil may appear in my shap.

(Reverse) This a true account of the sume of her
examination but by reason of geat noyses
by the afflicted & many speakers, many things
are pretermitted


Nurse held her neck on one sid & Eliz: Hubbard
(one of the sufferers) had her neck set in that
posture whereupon another Patient Abigail Williams
cryed out set up Goody Nurses head the maid's neck
will be broke & when some set up Nurses head
Aaron wey observed thatBetty Hubbards was im-
mediately righted

Salem Village March. 24'th 1691/2
The Rever't Mr Samuell parris
being desired
to take in wrighting the Examination
of Rebekah Nurse hath Returned
itt as aforesaid

Upon heareing the afores'd and seeing what wee then did see
together with the Charge of the persons then present --
wee Committed Rebekah Nurse the wife of fran's Nurce of
Salem village unto theire Majest's Goale in Salem as
p[er] a Mittimus then given out, in order to farther Examination
*John Hathorne ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assis'ts

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 72, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.3

(Examination of Rebecca Nurse, as Told byDeodat Lawson)

[March 24, 1692]

On Thursday the Twenty fourth of march, (being in course the Lecture Day, at the Village,) Goodwife N. was brought before the Magistrates Mr Hathorne and Mr Corwin, about Ten of Clock, in the Fore Noon, to be Examined in the Meeting House; the Reverend Mr. Hale, begun with Prayer, and the Warrant being read, she was required to give answer, Why she aflicted those persons? she pleaded her owne innocency with earnestness. Thomas Putman’s Wife, Abigail Williams and Thomas Putmans daughter accused her that she appeared to them, and afflicted them in their fitts: but some of the other said, that they had seen her, but knew not that ever she had hurt them; amongst which was Mary Walcut, who was presently after she had so declared bitten, and cryed out of her in the meeting-house; producing the Marks of teeth on her wrist. It was so disposed, that I had not leisure to attend the whole time of Examination, but both Magistrates and Ministers, told me, that the things alledged by the afflicted, and defences made by her, were much after the same manner, as the former was. And her motions did produce like effects as to Biteing, Pinching, Bruising Tormenting, at their Breasts, by her Leaning, and when, bended Back, were as if their Backs was broken. The afflicted persons said, the Black Man, whispered to her in the Assembly, and therefore she could not hear what the Magistrates said unto her. They said also that she did then ride by the Meeting-house, behind the Black Man. Thomas Putman’s wife, had a grievous Fit, in the time of Examination, to the very great Impairing of her strength, and wasting of her spirits, insomuch as she could hardly, move hand, or foot, when she was carryed out. Others also were there grievously afflicted, so that there was once such an hideous scrietch and noise, (which I heard as I walked, at a little distance from the Meeting house,) as did amaze me, and some that were within, told me the whole assembly was struck with consternation, and they were afraid, that those that sate next to them, were under the influence of Witchcraft. This woman also was that day committed to Salem Prison.

( Deodat Lawson. A Brief and True Narrative of Some Remarkable Passages Relating to Sundry Persons Afflicted by Witchcraft, at Salem Village Which happened from the Nineteenth of March to the Fifth of April 1692 (Boston: Benjamin Harris, 1692) pp. 7–9.)

SWP No. 94.4

Figure ecca1069r

Figure ecca1069v

(Indictment No. 1 of Rebecca Nurse , for Afflicting Ann Putnam Jr. )

[+ June 3, 1692]

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc Anglia &c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen pr'sents that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen [torn] of Salem Village in the County of Essex. husb the four & twentieth day of March in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &c and divers other dayes & times as well before as after certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft & Sorceries: wickedly & felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised. at & within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Ann puttnam Jun'r of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd single woman-by w'ch said wicked Arts the said Ann Puttnam Jun'r the s'd four & twentieth day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other dayes & times as well before as after was and is hurt tortured afflicted consumed Pined wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided.

Ann Puttnam Jun.
Abigail Williams
Mary Walcott
Elizabeth Hubbard.

(Reverse) Memorand'm
In this Tryall are Twenty papers besides this Judgment. & there were in this tryall as well as other Tryalls of the Same Nature Severall Evidences viva voce which were not writtn & so I can give no Copies of them Some for & Some against the parties Some of the Confessions did also mention this & other persons in their Severall declarations which being premised. & Considered the s'd 20 papers herewith fild is the whole Tryall

Attest *Steph Sewall Cler

Copy of the above wrote on the Judgment w'ch
I gave out to the Nurses

Bill A vara
*John Rucke
foreman in the name of the Rest.

(No. 1 Reb. Nurse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 No. 69, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.5

Figure ecca1068r

Figure ecca1068v

(Indictment No. 2 of Rebecca Nurse , for Afflicting Mary Walcott)

[+ June 3, 1692]

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc: Angliae &c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady. the King & Queen [pbar ][ebar ]esents that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four & twentyeth day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland: King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &c and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after certaine detestable arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries: wickedly & felloniously used Practised & Exercised at & within the towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in and upon and ag't one Mary Walcott of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd husb -- by w'ch wicked Arts the said Mary Walcott the s'd four & twentieth Day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other dayes & times as well before as after was & is hurt tortured afflicted consumed Pined wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our s'd Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided.

Mary Walcott.
Abigaile Williams
Ann puttnam Jun'r
Elizabeth Hubbard


(Reverse) Bill Avara
*John Rucke
forman in [in] the nam of the Rest

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 No. 68, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.6

Figure ecca1066r

Figure ecca1066v

(Indictment No. 3 of Rebecca Nurse for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard )

[+ June 3, 1692]

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc: Angliae &c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sents, that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse Sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four & twentyeth day of March -- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the Faith &c and Divers Dayes & times as well before as after. certaine Detestable Arts of witchcraft & Sorceries. wickedly & felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at & within the towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon & ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman -- the s'd four & twentieth day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. was and is hurt tortured Afflicted Pined wasted consumed & tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord. and Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided

Elizabeth Hubbard
Mary Walcott
Abigail Williams
Ann Puttnam Jun'r

Bill Avara
*John Rucke
forman in the name of the Rest

No. 3

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 No. 66, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.7

Figure ecca1067r

Figure ecca1067v

(Indictment No. 4 of Rebecca Nurse , for Afflicting Abigail Williams )

[+ June 3, 1692]

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sents That Rebeckah Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four & twentyeth Day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and ag't one Abigail Williams of Salem Village afores'd singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts. the said Abigail Williams the s'd four & twentieth Day of March in the fourth year abovs'd and divers other dayes & times as well before as after was & is hurt tortured. Afflicted consumed Pined wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided

Abigail Williams
Mary Walcott
Elizabeth Hubbard
Ann puttnam Jun'r

(Reverse) Bill Avara
*John Ruck
foreman in the nam of the Rest No. 4

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 No. 67, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.8

Figure ecca1065r

Figure ecca1065v

(Summons for Witnesses v. Rebecca Nurse, and Officer's Return)

[+ June 1, 1692]

William & Mary by the Grace of God of England &ca
To Abigall Williams Ann Putnam Mercy LewisElizabeth Hubbard Mary Walcott Ann Putnam Sen'r Susanna Shelden wee Comand that they & Every of them all Excuses set aside appear befor their Maj'ties Justices. of Court of Oyer & Terminer Holden this present Thursday being 2'd June. at Eight of the Clock in the morning to Testifie the truth of what they know upon certain Endictments Exhibited at our s'd Court on behalfe of Our Sovereigne agt. Rebecka Nurse hereof fail not at your perill: & make return
*Stephen Sewall Cler
To the Constable of Salem

(Reverse) I have summonsd the with in written persons
by me *John Putnum of Salem constable

Subpena for
Evidences Ag't
Reb. Nurse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 No. 65, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.9

Figure H40

(Petition for Rebecca Nurse )

[? May 1, 1692]

We whose nams Are heareunto subscribed being desired by goodman Nurse to declare what we knewe concerning his wives conversation for time past: we cane testyfie to all whom it may concerne that we have knowne her for: many years and Acording to our observation her: Life and conversation was Acording to her profession and we never had Any: cause or grounds to suspect her of Any such thing as she is nowe Acused of

*Israel Porter
*Elizibeth porter
*Edward beshep sen
*hana beshep
*Joshua Rea
*Sarah Rea
*Sarah leach
*john putnam sen.
*Rebeckh putnam
*Joseph hucheson sen:
*leda hucheson
*Joseph holten sen
*Sarah holten
*Daniell Andrew
*Sara andrew
*Jonathan Putnam
*lydia putnam
*Walter Phillipps senior
*Nathaniel Felton Sen:
*margaret Philips
*Taitha phillipps
*Joseph houlton Junior
*Sam'll Endecott
*Elizabeth buxtston
*Samuel aborn senr
*Isaack Cooke
*benjaman putnam
*Sarah putnam
*Job Swinerton
*Esther Swinerton
*Joseph herrick sen
*Samuell Sibley
*hephzibah Rea
*Elisabeth Cooke
*William Osborne
*hanah osborne
*Daniell Rea
*Sarah putnam
*Joseph Putman

( Witchcraft Papers No. 30 - Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.10

Figure H39

( Petition of Nathaniel Putnam, Sr. for Rebecca Nurse )

[++ June 29, 1692]

Nathaniell putnam Senor being desired [TORN]
by francis nurse sen'or to give & informa [TORN]
of what i could say concerning his wifeS [TORN]
and conversation: if the above Sayd [TORN]
known this sayd above sayd woman fou [TORN]
years & what i have observed of her human [TORN]
frailtye excepted: her life & conversation hath [TORN]
been according to her profession: & she hath [TORN]
brought up a great family of children & educated [TORN]
well soe that there is in some of them apparent s' [TORN]
of godliness: i have known her differ with her neig [TORN]
but i never knew nor heard of any that did accus [TORN]
of what she is now charged with

( Witchcraft Papers, 29b. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA.)

SWP No. 94.11

Figure eia16r

( Statemen of of Israel Porter , Elizabeth Porter , Daniel Andrew and Peter Cloyce for Rebecca Nurse )

[++ March 24, 1692]

We whos nams Are under writen being desiered to goe to goodman nurs his hous to speeke with his wife and to tell her that several of the Aflicted persons mentioned her: and Acordingly we went and we found her in A weak and Lowe condition in body as shee told us and had been sicke allmost A weak and we asked how it was otherwis with her and shee said shee blest god for it shee had more of his presents in this sickens then sometime shee have had but not soe much as shee desiered: but shee would with the Apostle pres forward to the mark: and many other places of scriptur to the Like purpos: and then of her owne Acord shee begane to speek of the Affliction that was Amongst them and in perticuler of Mr Parris his family and howe shee was greved for them though shee had not been to see them: by Reason of fits that shee formerly use to have for people said it was Awfull to:behold: but shee pittied them with: all her harte: and went to god for them: but shee said shee heard that there was persons spoke of that wear as Innocent as shee was shee belived and After much to this purpos: we told her we heard that shee was spoken of allsoe: well she said if it be soe the will of the Lord be done: she sate still awhille being as it wear Amazed: and then shee said well as to this thing I am Innocent as the child unborne but seurly shee said what sine hath god found out in me unrepented of that he should Lay such an Affliction upon me In my old Age: and Acording to our best observation we could not decern that shee knewe what we came for before we tould her

*Israel porter
*Elizabeth porter
To the substance of what is
Above we if caled there too:
are Ready to testifie on: oath
*Daniell Andrew
*Peter Cloys

( Essex Institute Collection, No. 16. Peabody Essex Museum, James Duncan Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )

SWP No. 94.12

Figure ecca2125r

( Testimony of John Putnam, Sr. and Rebecca Putnam, for Rebecca Nurse )

[++ June 29, 1692]

the testemony of John putnam: sen and rebecke his wife saith that our son in law John Fuller: and our dauter rebecke Shepard did both of them by #[a most] (a most violent death and did acting vere strangly at the time of ther death) farder saith that wee did Judg then that thay both diead of a malignant fever and had no suspiction of wichcraft of aney nether Can wee acues the prisner at the bar of any such thing

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 125 )

SWP No. 94.13

Figure ecca2124r

(Deposition of Nathaniel Ingersoll and Hannah Ingersoll v. Rebecca Nurse )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposistion of Nathaniell Ingersoll and Hannah his wife who: testife and say that we ware conversant with Benjamin Holton for above a week before he died and he was acted in a very strange maner with most violent fitts acting much like to our poor bewicthed parsons w'n we thought they would have died tho: then we hade no suspition of wicthcraft. amongst us and he died a most violent death with dreadfull fitts and the Doctor that was with him said he could not tell what his distemper was and he died about Two days before Rebekah Sheepard:
Jurat in Curia
attest *Steph Sewall Cle.

(Reverse) Nath. &
Hanah Ing'ell

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 124, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.14

Figure ecca1081r

Figure ecca1081v

(Deposition of Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Rebecca Nurse )

[June 3, 1692]

The Deposistion of Ann putnam junr who testifieth and saith that on the 13'th march 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of gooddy Nurs: and she did immediatly afflect me but I did not know what hir name was then: tho I knew whare she used to sitt in our Meeting house: but sence that she hath greviously afflected me by biting pinching and pricking me: urging me to writ in hir book and also on the 24'th of march being the day of hir examination I was greviously tortored by hir dureing the time of hir examination and also severall times sence and also dureing the time of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Mircy lewes mary wolcott Elizabeth Hubbrd and Abigaill Williams .
ann putnam jun'r did one the oath which she hath taken: this har evidens to be the truth. before us the: Juriers for Inquest this 3. d'y of June: 1692
Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Ann puttnam
Goody Nurs

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 81, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.15

Figure ecca1080r

Figure ecca1080v

(Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Rebecca Nurse )

[June 3, 1692]

The Deposistion of Mary walcott aged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 20'th march 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances Nurs senr: but she did not hurt me tell the 24 march being the day of hir examination but then the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination: and also severall times sence she hath most greviously afflected me by biting pinching and almost choaking me urging me vehemently to writ in hir book or elce she would kill me: and on the 3'd of may in the evening the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs tould me she had a hand in the deaths of Benjamin Holton John Harrod Rebekah Sheppard and severall others and also att the time of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Ann putnam mircy lewes Elizabeth Hubburd and Abigaill williams
Marcy Wowlcot on the oath which she hath taken did owne this har testimony to be the truth. before us the Juriars of Inquest this 3 dy of June. 1692

(Reverse) 2 Mary Walcott

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 80, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA.)

SWP No. 94.16

Figure ecca1078r

Figure ecca1078v

(Deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard v. Rebecca Nurse )

[June 3, 1692]

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that about the 20'th march 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances Nurs. sen'r [sen'r] tho she did not hurt me tell the 24'th march being the day of hir examination and then she did hurt me most greviously dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or allmost choakd me and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs has most greviously afflected me by pinching pricking and almost choaking me urging me to writ in hir book and also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebeckah Nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Ann putnam sen'r and Mary Walcott and Abigail williams and Ann putnam Junr.
elizabeth Hubard upon her oath she had taken did
owne this testimony before us the Juriars of Inqwest: this 3 dy of June: 1692

(Reverse) 3 Eliz: Hubburd against
Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 78, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.17

Figure ecca1073r

Figure ecca1073v

(Testimony of Abigail Williams v. Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Cloyse )

[May 31, 1692]

the testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth & saith That divers times in [in month]
of March last past, particularly on the .15.16.19. dayes of that m[onth and]
in the month of April following at severall times, particularly on the.13. & I [torn] [of]
that month, and also in this present month of May, the.4'th & 29. dayes, she [the]
said Abigail has been exceedingly perplexed with the apparition of [Rebeka Nurse of] Salem Village, by which apparition she hath been pulled violently [and]
often pinched & almost choked, & tempted sometimes to leap into the [fire and]
sometimes to subscribe a book the said apparition brought, & als[o she saith]
that she hath seen this apparition at a sacrament sitting next to [torn] [the man?]
with an high crowned hat, at the upper end of the Table; & f[arther saith that]
said apparition hath sometimes confessed to her the said Abigail
its gu[i]lt in committing severall murders together with her Sister Cloyse
as upon old Goodm: Harvood, Benja' Porter ,
& Rebek Shepard & faith Shepard's [torn]
May 31'st 1692 attested before
abegall Williams did owne this har testimony [on the]
oath which she had taken: to be truth: before us [the]
Juriars of Inqwest this 3. dy of June: 92

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 73, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.18

Figure ecca1074r

Figure ecca1074v

(Deposition of Sarah Bibber v. Rebecca Nurse )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposistion of Sarah viber agged about: 36: years who testifieth and saith: that on the day of may 1692: I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances nurs sen'r most greviously tortor and afflect the bodyes of Mary walcott mercy lewes and Abigaill williams by pinching them and almost choaking them to death: but I do not know that she hurt me tell the 27'th June 1692: and then the: Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did most greviously torment me by pinching me and almost choaking me severall times

(Reverse) Sarah viber against Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 74, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.19

Figure ecca1079r

Figure ecca1079v

( Deposition of Samuel Parris , Nathaniel Ingersoll , & Thomas Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about 39. years & Nathanael Ingersoll aged about fifty & eight yeares & Thomas Putman aged about fourty yeares all of Salem -- testifyeth & saith that Ann Putman Sen'r & her daughter Ann, & Mary Walcot & Abigail Williams were severall times & greviously tortured at the Examination of Rebekah Nurse wife to Francis Nurse of Salem before the Honoured Magistrates the. 24.March. 1691/2 & particularly that when her hands were at liberty some of the afflicted were pinched, & upon the motion of her head & fingers some of them were tortured; & farther that some of the afflicted then & there affirmed that they saw a black man whispering in her ear, & that they saw birds fluttering about her,
J urat in Curia

(Reverse) The Depotion of Sam: Parris &c. ags't
Rebek. Nurse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 79, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.20

Figure ecca1077r

Figure ecca1077v

( Deposition of Samuel Parris and John Putnam, Sr. v. Rebecca Nurse & Martha Carrier )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about 39. years and John Putman Sen'r aged about 63. years both of Salem Village testifieth & saith that this 18. instant June being at the house of Jonathan Putman whom we found very ill, after a little while Mercy Lewes sent for on purpose came into said Jonathan Putmans house & was presently struck dumb, but being bid to hold up her hand if she saw any of the witches afflict said Jonathan, whereupon she presently lift up her hand, & after fell into a Trance, & when said Mercy came to her self, she said she saw Goody Nurse & Goody Carrier holding said Jonathans head & farther saith not

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sam: Parris &
Capt Putman
Contra Reb: Nurse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 77, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.21

Figure ecca1076r

Figure ecca1076v

( Deposition of Johnnah Childin v. Rebecca Nurse )

[++ June 3, 1692]

The deposision of Johannah Childin testieth and saieth that upon the: 2'd of June: 1692 that the aparition of goody nurs and goodman Harrwood did apeare to her and the said Harrwood did look goodey nuss in the face and said to her: that she did murder him by pushing him off the Cart and strock the breath out of his body.

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 76, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.22

Figure ecca1075r

Figure ecca1075v

( Deposition of Edward Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse )

[++ March 25, 1692]

The deposistion of Edward Putman aged about 30 years ho testifieth and saith apon the 25 Day of march 1692 ann Putnam Juner was bitten by Rebakah nurs as she said and about 2 of the clok the same day She was strock with her Chane the mark being in a kind of a round ring and 3 stroaks a Cros the ring she had 6 blos with a Chane in the space of half an ouer and she had one remarkable one with 6 stroaks a Cros her arme I saw the mark boath of bite and Chane.
Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Edward Putman

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 75, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.23

Figure ecca1084r

Figure ecca1084v

( Deposition of Sarah Holton v. Rebecca Nurse )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposit[ion of [Sarah Holton]]Relique of Benjamine Holton Deceased who testifieth and saith that about this time three years my deare and loveing Husband Benjamine Holton Deceased: was as well as ever I knew him in my life: tell one saterday morning that Rebekah Nurs who now stands charged for wicthcraft. came to our house and fell a railing at him because our piggs gott into hir field: tho our piggs were sufficiently yoaked and their fence was down in severall places: yett all we could say to hir could no ways passifie hir: but she continewed Railing and scolding agrat while together calling to hir son Benj. Nurs to goe and git a gun and kill our piggs and lett non of them goe out of the field: tho my poor Husband gave hir never amiss beholding word: and within ashort time affter this my poor Husband goeing out very early in the morning: as he was a coming. in againe he was taken with a strainge fitt in the entery being struck blind and stricken down two or three times so that when he came to himself he tould me he thought he should never have com into the house any more: and all summer affter he continewed in a languishing condition being much pained at his stomack and often struck blind: but about a fortnight before he dyed he was taken with strange and violent fitts acting much like to our poor bewicthed parsons when we thought they would have dyed and the Doctor. that was with him could not find what his distemper was: and the day before he dyed he was very chearly but about midnight he was againe most violently sezed upon with violent fitts tell the next night about midnight he departed this life by a cruel death
Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sarah Holton

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 84, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.24

Figure ecca1083r

Figure ecca1083v

( Deposition of Ann Putnam, Sr. v. Rebecca Nurse , Sarah Cloyce , Sarah Bishop , and Elizabeth Cary )

[++ June 2, 1692]

The Deposistion of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam who testifieth and saith that on the first day of June 1692. the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did again fall upon me and almost choak me and she tould me that now she was come out of prison she had power to afflet me and that now she would afflect me all this day long and would kil me if she could for she tould me she had kiled benjamine Holton and John fuller and Rebekah Shepard: and she also tould me that she and her sister Cloyes and Ed: Bhishop wife of of Salem village had kiled young Jno putnams Child because yong Jno putnam had said that it was no wonder they were witches for their mother was so before them and because they could not aveng themselves on him they did kill his child: and immediatly their did appere to me: six children in winding sheets which caled me aunt: which did most greviously affright me: and they tould me that they ware my sisters Bakers children of Boston and that gooddy Nurs and Mistris Cary of Charlstown and an old deaft woman att Boston had murthered them: and charged me to goe and tell these things to the magestrats or elce they would tare me to peaces for their blood did crie for vengance also their Appeared to me my own sister Bayley and three of hir children in winding sheets and tould me that gooddy Nurs had murthered them

(Reverse) Ann Putnam Sen'r against
Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 83, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.25

Figure ecca1082r

Figure ecca1082v

( Deposition of John Putnam, Jr. & Hannah Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse , Mary Esty , and Sarah Cloyce )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposistion of John putnam weaver: and Hannah his wife who testifieth and saith that our child which dyed about the middle of April 1692: was as well and as thriveing a child as most was: tell it was about eight weeks old: but awhile affter that I the said Jno: putnam had Reported sum thing which I had hard consarning the mother of Rebekah Nurs: Mary Estick and Sarah Cloyes I myself was taken with strange kind of fitts: but it pleased Allmighty God to Deliver me from them: but quickly affer this our poor young child was taken about midnight with strange and violent fitts: which did most greviously affright us acting much like to the poor bewicthed persons when we thought they would indeed have died: where upon we sent for our Mother putnam in the night immediatly: and as soon as she came and se our child she tould us that she feared there was an evell hand upon it: and also as fast as posiblely could be we gott a Docktor to it: but all he did give it could doe it no good: but it continewed in strange and violent fitts for about Two days and Two nights and then departed this life by a cruell and violent death being enuf to piers astony hart.for to the best of our understanding it was near five hours a dying
Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) John Putman
Hannah Putman
John putman weaver and his wife

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 82, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.26

Figure ecca1086r

Figure ecca1086v

(Deposition of Thomas Putnam & Edward Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse )

[+ June 29, 1692]

The Deposition of Tho: Putman aged about 40. years & Edward Putman aged about. 38. years.

witnesseth & saith that having been several times present with Ann Putman jun'r in & after her fits & saw her much afflicted, being bitten, pinched, her limbs distorted, & pins thrust into her flesh, which she charged on Rebekah Nurse that she was the Acter thereof & that she saw her do it
The deponents farther testify that on the #[day of] 24. March-last past at the publick examination of said Nurse we saw the said Ann Putman Abigail Williams and Eliz: Hubbard often struck down upon the glance of the said Nurse eye-upon said Williams Putman &Hubbard several times & the said Putman Williams & Hubbard was then afflicted according to the various motions of said Nurse her body in time of examination as when said Nurse did clinch her hands, bite her lips, or hold her head aside the said Putman Hubbard & Williams was set in in the same posture to her great torture & affliction.
*Thomas putnam
*Edward Putnam

                                                 Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Thomas Putman Edward Putnam

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 86, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.27

Figure ecca1087r

Figure ecca1087v

(Statement of Samuel Nurse & John Tarbell for Rebecca Nurse )

[++ March 30, 1692]

John tarball being at the house of thomas putnams upon the: 28 day of this instant march being the yeare 1692 upon descource of many things i asked them some questions and among others i asked this question wheter the garle that was afflicted did first speack [of] of goody nurs before others mentioned her to her they said she told them she saw the apperishton of apale fast {=faced] woman that Sat in her granmothers seat but did not know her name: then i replyed and said but who was it that told her that it was good nurs: mercy lewes said it was goody putnam that said it was goody nurse: goody putnam said it was mercy lewes that told her: thus they turned it upone one an other saying it was you & it was you that told her: this was be fore any was afflicted at thomas putnams beside his daughter that they told his daughter it was goody nurs Samuel nurs doth testifie to all above written

(Reverse) John Tarball

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 87, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.28

Figure ecca1085r

( Statement of Rebecca Preston & Mary Tarbell for Rebecca Nurse )

[++ June 3, 1692]

We whose nams are under written: can testiefie if cald to it that goodde nurs have bene trobled with an Infirmity of body for many years which the Juree of women seme to be Afraid it should be something elce.

*Rebecah preson
*Mary Tarbel

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, No. 85, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.29

Figure eia22r

Figure eia22v

( Deposition of Ann Putnam Sr. v. Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse And Testimony of Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Rebecca Nurse: and Martha Cory: )

[+ March 24, 1692]

The Deposistion of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam agged about 30 years Who testifieth and saith that on the: 18'th march 1691/92 I being wearied out in helping to tend my poor afflected Child and Maid: about the middle of the affternoon I laye me down on the bed to take a little Rest: and Immediatly I was allmost prest and Choaked to death: that had it not been for the mircy of a gratious God and the help of those that ware with me: I could not have lived many moments: and presently I saw the Apperishtion of Martha Cory who did tortor me so as I cannot Express Redy to tare me all to peaces: and then departed from me alitle while: but before I could recover strenth or well take breath the Apperishtion of Martha Cory fell upon me again with dreadfull tortors and hellish temtations to goe along with hir and she also brought to me a little Red book in hir hand and a black pen urging me vehemently to writ in hir book: and severall times that day she did most greviously tortor me allmost redy to kill me and on the 19'th march: Martha Cory againe appeared to me and also Rebekah nurs the wife of fra[n]ces nurs sen'r and they both did tortor: me agrate many times this day with such tortors as no toungu can Express because I would not yeald to their Hellish temtations that had I not been upheild by an Allmighty Arme I could not have lived while night the 20'th march being sabboth day I had agrat deal of Respitt. between my fitts: 21'th march being the day of the Examinati of martha Cory: I had not many fitts tho I was very weak my strenth being as I thought almost gon: but on the: 22 march 1691/92 the Apperishtion of Rebekah nurs did againe sett upon in a most dreadfull maner very early in the morning as soon as it was well light and now she appeared to me only in hir shift #[and night cap] and brought a litle Red book in hir hand urging me vehemently to writ in hir book and because I would not yeald to hir hellish temtations she threatened to tare my soule out of my body: blasphemously denying the blessed God and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to save my soule and denying severall places of scripture which I tould hir of: to Repell hir hellish temtations and for near Two hours together at this time the Apperishtions of Rebekah Nurs did temp and tortor me before she left me as if indeed she would have kiled me: and allso the grates part of this day with [b]ut very little respitt: 23 march: I am againe affleted by the Apperishtions of Rebekah nurs: and martha Cory: but Cheafly by Rebekah nurs: 24: march being the days of the Examination of Rebekah Nurs: I was severall times afflected in the morning by the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs: but most dreadfully tortored by hir in the time of hir examination: in so much that The Honoured Majestraits gave my Husband leave to cary me out of the meeting house: and as soon as I was caryed out of the meeting house dores it pleased Allmighty God for his free grace and mircy sake to deliver me out of the paws of thos Roaring lions: and jaws of those tareing bears that ever sence that time they have not had power so to afflect me

(Reverse) until this.31. May. 1692 at the same moment that I was hearing my Evidence read by the honoured Magistrates to take my Oath I was again re-assaulted & tortured by my before mentioned Tormentor Rebekah Nurse .

Sworne Salem Village May the 31't 1692
Before us *John Hathorne ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assis'ts

ann putnam senear
appearid before us the Juerris of
Inquest: and oned this har evidens
this. 3'r dy of June: 1692

The testimony of Ann Putman jun'r witnesseth & saith that being in the
Room when her mother was afflicted she saw Martha Kory Sarah Cloyes
& Rebekah Nurse or their apparition upon her mother
Testified to the truth thereof
by Ann putnam
Salem May. 31't 1692
Before us
*John Hathorne ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assis'ts

(Reverse) Ann putnam ag't
Kory &

( Essex Institute Collection, No. 22, Peabody Essex Museum, James Duncan Phillips Library,

Rowley, MA. )

SWP No. 94.30

Figure B21

( Deposition of Sarah Stephens and Margery Pasque v. Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce , & Mary Black )

[++ June 29, 1692]

The Deposition of Sarah Stephens aged [] & Margery Pasque aged [] testify that the 21 June Last past being improved in the holding of Jemima Rea sodainly seized with strange fitts, they heard the said Jemima in her fitts cry out much upon Goody Nurse, Goody Cloyce & Goody Black , & said, What you cannot do it alone, & you brought this woman [to] help you: Why did you bring her? She was never complained of. Goody Cloyce (as these Deponents suppose) answered that the Devil would not suffer her any longer to be a Witch, she must be brought out: And the said Jemima complained that Goody Cloyce Pricks & Pinches her, and the said Jemima (as they understood by her discourse) was told by the said Cloycethat one Lords day when she run out of the meeting house from the Sacrament in a great rage, had her Master met her at the garrison gate just before the Fore-doer of the meeting house, to which Master she made a Courtesy, & at that time set her hand to his book & when she took her leave of him she made another Courtesy And farther these Deponents say that the said Jemima spake to this purpose in six or seven fits one after another, & that the said Cloyce had done, & bid these two deponents hold her hands that she might not so do; & also the said Jemima when recovered of her fits confirmed what she had spoken in her fits to these Deponents & further saith not.

(Reverse) Sarah Stev[ens] Marjery Pa[sque] yr
Euid[ence] Ver: []

( MS Ch K 1.40, vol. 2, p. 110, Rare Books & Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.31

Figure ecca1088r

Figure ecca1088v

( Petition of Rebecca Nurse to the Court)

[June 28, 1692]

To the Honour'd Court of Oryr and Terminer now Sitting In Salem,
this 28 of June An'o 1692
The humble petission of Rebecca Nurse of Salem Village
Humbley Sheweth/

That whareas sum Women did sarch your Petissioner At salem, as I did then Conceive for Sum Supernaturall Marke, and then one of the s'd women which is known to be, the Moaste Antient Skillfull prudent person of them all as to Any such Concernd: Did Express hirselfe to be: of A contrary opinion from the Rest And Did then Declare, that shee saw nothing In or Aboute yo'r Honors poare pettissioner but what Might Arise from A naturall Cause: And I then Rendered the said persons asuficient knowne Reason as to My selfe of the Moveing Cause thereof: which was by Exceeding weaknesses: decending partly from an overture of Nature and difficult Exigences that hath Befallen me In the times of my Travells: And therefore Yo'r pettissioner Humbley prayes That you Honours would be pleased to Admitt of sum other women to Enquire Into this Great: Concerne, those that are Moast Grand wise and Skillfull: Namely Ms: Higginson sen'r Ms Buckstone : Ms: Woodbery two of them being Midwives: Ms: Porter Together with such others, as may be Choasen, on that Account: Before I am Brought to my triall: All which I hoape yo'r Honours: will take Into yo'r prudent Consideration, And find it requisite soe to doe: for my Lyfe Lyes Now In yo'r Hands under God: And Being Conscious of My owne Innocency -- I Humbley Begg that I may have Liberty to Manifest it to the wourld partly by the Meanes Abovesaid.

And yo'r Poare pettissioner shall Evermore pray as In duty Bound &c//
Rebecca Nurse
hir marke S

(Reverse) Rebecca Nurse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 88, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 94.32

(Declaration of Thomas Fisk , Juryman)

[+ July 4, 1692 ]

July 4, 1692. I Thomas Fisk , the Subscriber hereof, being one of them that were of the Jury the last week at Salem-Court, upon the Tryal of Rebecka Nurse, etc., being desired by some of the Relations to give a Reason why the Jury brought her in Guilty, after her Verdict not Guilty; I do hereby give my Reasons to be as follows, viz.

When the Verdict not Guilty was, the honoured Court was pleased to object against it, saying to them, that they think they let slip the words, which the Prisoner at the Bar spake against her self, which were spoken in reply to Goodwife Hobbs and her Daughter , who had been faulty in setting their hands to the Devils Book, as they have confessed formerly; the words were “What, do these persons give in Evidence against me now, they used to come among us.” After the honoured Court had manifested their dissatisfaction of the Verdict, several of the Jury declared themselves desirous to go out again, and thereupon the honoured Court gave leave; but when we came to consider of the Case, I could not tell how to take her words, as an Evidence against her, till she had a further opportunity to put her Sense upon them, if she would take it; and then going into Court, I mentioned the words aforesaid, which by one of the Court were affirmed to have been spoken by her, she being then at the Bar, but made no reply, nor interpretation of them; whereupon these words were to me a principal Evidence against her.
Thomas Fisk.

( Robert Calef , More Wonders of The Invisible World [ London, 1700 ], excerpted in Burr, ed. , Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 358-359 .)

SWP No. 94.33

( Appeal of Rebecca Nurse )

[+ July 4, 1692 ]

These presents do humbly shew, to the honoured Court and Jury, that I being informed, that the Jury brought me in Guilty, upon my saying that Goodwife Hobbs and her Daughter were of our Company; but I intended no otherways, then as they were Prisoners with us, and therefore did then, and yet do judge them not legal Evidence against their fellow Prisoners. And I being something hard of hearing, and full of grief, none informing me how the Court took up my words, and therefore had not opportunity to declare what I intended, when I said they were of our Company.
Rebecka Nurse.

( Robert Calef . More Wonders of The Invisible World [ London, 1700 ], excerpted in Burr, ed. , Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, p. 359 .)

Salem Witchcraft Papers