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SWP No. 048: Joseph Emons

[September 5, 1692 ]

SWP No. 48.1

Figure B16r

Figure B16v

(Complaint of Thomas Dodd v. Nicholas Frost & Complaint of Simon Wilard and Elizer Keyser v. Joseph Emons )

[September 5, 1692 ]

[Hand 1] Thomas Dodd of Marblehead complaineth to their Majesties Justices of the peace
in Salem against Nicholas ffrost of pascataque for that the Said Nicholas ffrost hath Sorely afflicted Johana Dod daughter of the Said Thomas Dod by witchcraft. to her great hurt: & prays that a writ of Aprehention may be Granted against him & the Said Thomas Dod doth herby oblige himselfe to our Souer s William & Mary King & Queen of England &c in the
ffull &. whole Sume of one hundred pound Curant mony of New Engld the Condition is
that the Said Dod shall procecut the abouesaid complaint against Nicho ffrost to Effect
dated. 5th Sept 1692:

             The T D marke  
           [Thomas. Dod.](/tag/dodd_thomas.html)

This Recognizance taken before me
5 Sept 1692 *John Higginson Just'e Peace

Simo: Willard & Eliz: Kesor Complaineth. to their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem Against Joseph Emens of Manchester. for that the Said Emins hath Sorely afflicted Mary Warren by witchcraft to her great hurt & prays that awrit of Aprehention may be given out against him & the Said Simon Wilard & Eliz'r Kesor doe by these presents oblige themselves to our Soveraines William & Mary King & Queen of England The Condition is that the Said Willard & Kesor shall procecut the Said Complaint to Effect 5 Sept 1692

*Simon Willard
*Elizur Keysar

This Recognizance taken before me
5 Sept 1692 *John Higginson Just'e Peace

(Reverse) Nich ffrost
Joseph Emmins

( MS Ch K 1.40, vol. 2, p. 44, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA.)

Salem Witchcraft Papers