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SWP No. 027: Thomas Carrier Jr.

[+ August 10, 1692. ]

SWP No. 27.1

Figure eia24-5v

(Examination of Thomas Carrier, Jr., Copy )

[+ August 10, 1692. ]

The Examination of Tho. Carrier Taken before Dudly Broadstret Esq'r on of their Majesties Justices of the Peace --

Tho. Carr'r being acused of witchcraft Conffeseth that he was guilty of witchcraft & that he had been a witch a week & that his Mother taught him witchcraft -- That a Yellow bird apeared to him & Spoke to him w'ch She being affrighted his Mother apeared to him & brought him a book & bid him Sett his hand to it telling him it would doe him good if he did Soe & that She would tear him in peices if he would not -- That his Mother baptized him in ShawShin River pulled of his Cloths & put him into the River & that his Mother then told him he was hers for Ever. That his Moth'r bid him afflict Mary Walkutt Ann Puttman & Sarah Phelps -- And that he went the 9'th Instant at night to Jno Chandlers , that their were 10 in Company w'th him who rid upon 2 Poles that there were 3 men in the Company & 2 of the woeman belonged to Ispwich whose names ware Mary & Sarah & that he Saw Betty Johnson in the Company & Conffesed that he did the 9'th Instant at night afflict Sarah Phelps & Ann Puttnam by pinching them. --

(In left margin) Thos Carrier

( Essex Institute Collection, no. 24-5v, Peabody Essex Museum, James Duncan Phillips Library, Rowley, MA.)

Salem Witchcraft Papers