SWP No. 136: Sarah Wilds Executed July 19, 1692
(See also William Hobbs -- Mittimus; George Jacobs Sr. -- Mittimus; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant )
(Warrant for the apprehension of Sarah Wilds , William Hobbs , Deliverance Hobbs , Nehemiah Abbott Jr. , Mary Esty , Edward Bishop, Jr. , Sarah Bishop , Mary Black , and Mary English )
[April 21, 1692]
Salem Aprill the 21'th 1692
There Being Complaint this day made (before us) by Thomas Putnam and John Buxton of Salem Village Yeomen, in behalfe of their Majest's ,for them selfes and also for severall of theire Neighbours, Against W'm Hobbs husbandman and Delive' his wife, Nehemiah Abot Jun'r weaver. Mary Easty the wife of Isaac Easty and Sarah Wilds the wife of John Wilds all of the Towne of Topsfield or Ipswitch: And Edward Bushop husbandman & Sarah his wife of Salem Village, and Mary Black a Negro of Leut't Nathaniel Putnams of Salem Village also And Mary English the wife of Phillep English Merchant in Salem for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by them Lately upon the Bodys of Anna Putnam & Marcy Lewis belonging to the famyly of the aboves'd Thomas Putnam Complain't and Mary Walcot the daufter of Capt Jonat' Walcot of s'd Salem Village and others, whereby great hurt and dammage hath benne donne to the bodys of said persons above named therefore Craved Justice.
You are therefore in theire Majest's names hereby required to Apprehend and bring before us William Hobs husbandman and [] his wife Nehemiah Abot Jun'r weaver Mary Easty the wife of Isaac Easty and all the rest above named to Morrow aboute ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Leiut Nath'll Ingersalls in Salem Village. in order to theire Examination Relateing to the premises abovesayd and hereof you are not to faile
Dated Salem Aprill 21'th 1692
John Hathorn &
Jonathan Corwin.
To: Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex and any or all the Constables in Salem -- or Topsfeild or any other Towne
(Reverse) [words illegible]
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 163 )
(Examination of Sarah Wilds & William Hobbs Held at the Same Court)
[April 22, 1692]
The examination of Sarah Wilds At a Court held at Salem Village [April 22] 1692
by the worshipful:_ John Hathorn &
Jonathan Corwin.
The Sufferers were siezed with sundry[?] the accused came into the Court
Hath this woman hurt you?
Oh she is upon the beam.
Goody Bibber that never saw her before said she saw her now upon the beam,
& then said Bibber fell into a fit
What say you to this are you guilty or not?
I am not guilty Sir.
Is this the woman? speaking to the afflict[ed]
Thay all, or most, said yes, & then fell into fits.
What do you say, are you guil[ty]
I am not guilty Sir.
Is this the woman? speaking to the afflicted
They all, or most, said yes,& then fell into fits
I thank God I am free.
Here is a clear evidence that [you have] been not only a Tormenter
[but that] You have caused one to sig[ne the] book, the night before last
[What do]you say to this?
I never saw the book in my life and I never saw these persons before
Some of the afflicted fell into fits
[Do] you deny this thing that is apparent
All fell into fits, & con[firmed] that the accused hurt th[em]
Did you never consent that [these] be hurt?
Never in my life.
She was charged by some [with] hurting John Herricks mo[ther]
The accused denyed it.
Capt'n How gave in a relation [and] confirmation of the charge before made.
She was ordered to be taken away, & they all cryed out she was upon the Beam, & fell into fits.
[April 22, 1692]
The Examination of William Hobbs At the Same Court
[H]ath this man hurt you?
[S]everal answered yes.
[Goo]dy Bibber said no.
[W]hat say you, are you guilty or not?
[I] can speak in the presence of God safely, as
[I] must look to give account another day, that I am as clear as a new born babe.
Clear: of what?
Of Witchcraft
Have you never hurt these?
Have you not consented that they should be hurt?
Abigail Williams said, he was going to Mercy Lewes, & quickly after said Lewes was seized with a fit.
Then said Abigail cryed, he is coming to Mary Walcot , & said Mary presently fell into a fit also.
[How] can you be clear when the Children
[saw] somthing come from you & afflict
[th]ese persons?
Then they fell into fits & halloo'd [and]
[suffe]red greatly.
[torn] [ur] wife before you God wa [torn]
[torn] open her mouth, & she ha [torn]
[torn] session: And you seen to [torn]
[torn] before us.
[I a]m clear of any Witch.
[Wh]at do you call it, and over-look[ing of]
[the]m? you look upon them & they are [hurt]
[I h]urt none of
[T]hen they all fell into great fits again
When were you at any publick Religious meeting
Not a pretty while
Why so?
Because I was not well: I had a distemper that none knows.
Can you act Witchcraft here, & by casting your eyes turn folks into fits?
You may judge your pleasure, my soul is clear.
Do you not see you hurt these by your look
No. I do not know it.
You did not answere to that question, dont you over-look them?
No I don't over-look them.
What do you call that way of looking upon persons, & striking them downe?
You may judge your pleasure.
Well but what do you call it?
It was none of I.
Who was it then?
I cannot tell who they are.
Why they say, they see you going to hurt persons & immediatly hurt persons.
Abig: Williams said he is going to hurt Mercy Lewes [torn] & imediately s'd Mercy fell into a fit, & divers others
Can you now deny it?
I can deny it to my dying day.
What is the reason you go away when [there] is any reading of the Scripture in your [family]
He denyed it.
Nathanael Ingersol & Tho: Haynes tes[tifyed] that this Hobb's daughter had told them [so] As soon as your daughter Abigail , & aft [torn] to day your wife confessed they left torturing & so would you, if you would confess: can you still deny that you are guilty?
I am not guilty.
If you put away Gods ordinances, no wonder that the Devil prevails with you. to keep his counsell. Have you never had any apparition.
No Sir.
Did you never pray to the Devill that your daughter might confess no more?
No Sir.
Who do you[r] wo[r] ship?
I hope I worship God only.
In my heart.
But God requires outward worship [torn]
not worship him in publick, ne [torn]
[torn] I worship him in my heart [torn]
[torn] worship him in your family [torn]
[torn] amily, speak the truth,
[torn] not given the Devil advant [torn]
[torn] gainst you thereby? [torn]
He was silent a considerable spa[ce] then said yes.
Have you not known a good while [how] that your daughter was a witc[h]
No Sir.
Do you think she is a witch now
I do not know.
Well if you desire mercy from God, own the truth.
I do not know anything of that nature.
What do you think these people aile?
More than ordinary?
But what more than ordinary
-- silent
Why do you not answer what do they aile?
I do not know what they aile I am sorry
It is none of I.
What do you think they aile?
There is more than ordinary
What is that?
I cannot tell.
Do you think they are bewitcht.
I cannot tell
Not tell when your wife & daughter o [torn]
Did not you give consent that these should be [hurt]
Never in my dayes.
What do you think curd your wife she was
[torn] these the other day [torn]
[torn] nal God in Heaven knows. [torn]
[torn] know that. We do not ask that [but]
[whet] her you do not know what curd
[torn] t tell. I know nothing
[torn] man said he told me that if his wife
[torn] not write in the book he would kill her,
[torn] was the same time that she did signe
[torn] ppears by the time of her appearing as a
[torm] enter to Mr. Parris family & others
Did not you say so?
I never said so.
Salem Village Aprill 22th 1692
Mr. Sam'l parris being desired to take
[in] wrighting the Examination of
[Sar]ah Wilds and W'm Hobs delivered it as afores'd
[and up] on heareing the same and seeing
[what] wee did see at the tyme of her
[examin] ation togather with the Char[ge of]
[the af] flicted persons against he[r we]
[co] mmitted her to their M[aj'ts Goale]
*John Hathor[ne]
(Reverse) Examination of Sarah Wilds & William Hobbs 22. Apr. 1692
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 164, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Indictment of (Sarah Wilds , for Afflicting Mercy Lewis)
[+ June 30, 1692]
Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto
Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That Sarah Willes wife of John Willes of Topsfield Husbandman the Twenty Second Day of Aprill in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and sorceries wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Ex[e]ercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked Acts the said Mercey Lewis -- the Twenty Second Day of Aprill aforesaid in the forth Year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes and times as well before and after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented and also for Sundery orther Acts of Witchcraft by said Sarah Willes. Committed and Done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen, and ag't the form of the Statute in that Case made and Provided.
Marcy Lewis
Ann Putman
Mary Wolcott
(Reverse) Sarah Wills Ind't Contr. Willes No. (1)
biula vera
( Essex Institute MSS Collection, no. 14, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Testimony of John Wilds & Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 4, 1692]
John Wiells testifieth that he did hear that Mary the wife of Jno Reddinton did raise a report that my wife had Bewitched her and I went to the saide Jno Reddinton & told him I would arest him for his wifes defaming of my wife but the said Reddinton desiered me not to doe it for it would but waste his Estate & that his wife would a done w'th it in tyme:and that he knew nothing She had ag'st mye wife -- after this I got my Bro: Averell to goe to the Said Sar: Reddinton & my s'd Bro'r told me that he told the said Sarah Reddinton that if She had any thing ag'st my wife he would be a means & would help her to bring my wife out; and that the Said Sarah Reddinton replyed that She knew no harm mye wife had done her: yet
The testimonny of Ephraim Willdes eged about 27 or the'abouts testifieth and saith that about #(fow) fouer yers agow there was som liklyhode of my haveng one of goodiey Simonds dafter and as the maid towld me har mother and father were veriey willing I should have hare: but after some time I had a hint that goodiey Simonds had formerlly said she beleved my mother #(har) had done har wrong and I went to hare and tock marke how that is now deed who dyed at the estward. along with me and before both of us shee denied that ever she had eniey grounds to think eniey harme of my mother only from what goodiey redington had siade and afterwards I left the hous and went no mor and ever sence she bene veriey angriey with me and now she will reward mee
* Ephraim Willdes
(Reverse) Behalfe Sarah Wilss
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 166, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
( Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 2, 1692]
This may inform this Honred cort that I: Ephraim Willdes being constabell for topsfelld this yere and the marshall of sallem coming to fetch away my mother he then shued me a warrant from athority derected to the constabell of topsfelld wherin was william hobs and deliveranc his wife with maniey others and the marshall did then require me forthwith to gow and aprehend the bodies of william hobes and his wife which acordingly I ded: and I have had serous thoughts maniey tims sence whether my sesing of them might not be some case of hare thus acusing my mothe thereby in some mesuer to be revenged of me the woman ded show a veriey bad sperit when I sesed: on might allmost se revenge in har face she looked so molishesly on me: as for my mother I never saw aniey harm by har upon aniey sutch acout naither in word nor action as she is now acused for she hath awlwais instructed me well in the cristion religon and the wais of god ever sence I was abell to take instructions: and so I leve it all to this honred cort to consider of it =
(Reverse) Sarah Wildes
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 165, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(testimony of Rev. John Hale v. Sarah Wilds )
[July 2, 1692]
I John Hale of Beverly aged 56 years beeing summoned to appeare & give evidence against Sarah Wiles of Topsfeild July .2. 1692; Testify that about 15 or 16 yeares agoe came to my house the wife of John Hirrek of Beverly w'th an aged woeman she said was her mother Goody Reddington of Topsfeild come to me for counsel beeing in trouble of spirit. when the said Reddington opned her greifs to me this was one that she was assaulted by witchcraft that Goody wiles her neighb'r bewitched her & afflicted her many times greiviously, telling me many particular storys how & when she troubled her, w'ch I have forgotten. She said allso that a son in law of said Wiles did come & visit her (shee called him an honest young man named John as I take it) & did pitty her the said Reddington, signifying to her that he beleived his mother wiles was a witch & told her storys of his mother. I allso understood by them, that this Goody Wiles was mother in law to a youth named as I take it Jonathan Wiles who about twenty yeares agoe or more did act or was acted very strangly Insomuch that I was invited to joyn with Mr Cobbet & others at Ipswich to advize & pray for the said Youth; whome some thought to counterfeit, others to be possessed by the devill. But I remember Mr Cobbet thought he was under Obsession of the devil. Goody Reddingtons discourse hath caused me to have farther #(thoug) thoughts of the said Youths case whether he were not bewitched.
Jurat in Curia
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 21. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ April 22, 1692]
The Deposistion of Ann putnam Jun'r who testifieth and saith I have ben afflected ever sence the begining of march with a woman that tould me hir name was willds and that she came from Topsfeild but on the 22 April 1692 Sarah wilds did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination and then I saw that Sarah willds was that very woman that tould me hir name was willds and also on the day of hir Examination I saw Sarah willds or hir Apperance most greviously tortor and afflect mary Walcott, Mircy lewes and Abigail William and severall times sence Sarah wilds or hirs Apperance has most greviously tortored and afflected me with variety of tortueres as by pric[king] and pinching me and almost choaking me to death
Ann Putnam Jun'r declared: the above written: evidence: to be truth: before the Jury of inquest: June: 30'th :1692: upon oath.
(Reverse) Ann Putman
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 10. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ April 22, 1692]
The Deposistion of Mary Walcott ageed about 17 years who testifieth and saith that in the begining of Appril 1692 there came to me a woman which I did not know and she did most greviously torment me by pricking and pinching me and she tould me that hir name was wilds and that she lived at Topsfeil and she continewed hurting me most greviously by times tell the day of hir Examination which was the 22 day of Appril 1692: and then I saw #(hir) that Sarah wildes was that very same woman that tould me hir name was wildss and Sarah wilds did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for when ever she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost Choak me to death: also on the day or hir Examination I saw sarah Wilds or hir Apperance most greviously torment and afflect mercy lewes Abigaill williams andAnn putnam Jun'r by stricking them down and [almst] [almost] choaking them to deatth. also severall times sence Sarah willds has most greviously tormented me with variety of tortor and I verily beleve she is a most dreadful wicth
Jurat in Curia
Mary Wolcot declared to the Jury of inquest: that the above written evidence is the truth: upon oath: June 30'th 1692
(Reverse) Mary Wolcot.
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 11, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of Nathaniel Ingersoll v. Sarah Wilds )
[++ April 22, 1692]
The Deposistion of Nathaniell Ingrsoll agged about 58 years and Thomas putnam aged about 40 years. who testifieth and saith that wee haveing been conversant with severall of the afflected parsons as namely Mary walcott mercy lewes Abigaill williams and Ann putnam jr we have often seen them afflected and hard them say that one gooddy wilds of Topsfeild did tortor them: but on the 22 April 1692 being the day of the Examination of Sarah wilds of Topsfeild: the afforementioned parsons ware most greviously tortored dureing the time of #(his) hir Examination for if she did but look on them she would strick them down or allmost choak: them and if she did clinch hir hands or hold hir head asid the afflected parsons above mentioned ware in like manr tortured: and severall times senec wee have seen th[e] aforementioned parsons tortored and have seen the marke in ther flesh which they said Sarah wilds did make by tortoring them and wee beleve that Sarah wilds the prisoner att the barr has severall times Afflected and tormented the affore named parsons by acts of wicthcraft:
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Na: Ing'soll
Tho. Putnam Tho'es Boston
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 9. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
(Deposition of Elizabeth Symonds v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 2, 1692]
The Depotion of Elizabath Symons aged about 50 yeares Whoe testifieth and saith that about #(tweuelve) twelve or thirteene yeares sence theire abouts being in Company With my Mother Androus/ after a Lecter#(day) in Topsfeild my mother and I ware agoeing to give Goodwife Redington a visiat and as wee went wee overtooke Goodwife Wilds and my mother fell into discourse about a syee [scythe] that my Brother John and Joseph Androus had borede of Goodman Wilds for one day: and my mother tould Goodwife Wilds how John and Joseph Androus ware trobled about gitting home a Load of hay/ then goodwife Wilds replied and said all that might bee and I know nothing of it/ then my mother replied and said to her whie did you threaten them and tould them thay had better alet it alone then she did threaten my mother and tould her that she would make her prove it and then my mother caaled to mee and bid mee bare witnes Elizabath what she saith/ and then she did Looke bake apon mee and Emedatly I did fale into such a trembling Condition that I was as if all my joynts did knoke togather so that I could hardly goe along/ and the night faling #(as) after I was #(ageing to) bed I did see somthing stand between the wale and I/ I did see somthing stand theire and I did Looke apon it a Consideradabell time so Long that I was afraid to Ly one that sid of the bed and asked my husban to Let mee Ly one the other sid of the bed and he did/ and then I did feele it Come apon my feete as if it had bin a cat and Crope up to my breast and Lay apon mee and then I Could not move nether hand nor foot nether Could I speeake a word I did strive to cale #(d) to my husban but I Could not speake and so I Lay all night/ and in the moring I Could speeake and then I tould #(him) my husband thay talke of the old witch but I thinke she has ride mee all this night and then I tould my husband how it had bin with mee all the night/ we had a Lecture once a #(fortnight) month in Topsfeild and the next Lectter day after the first above named/ as I was sitting in my seate #(God) Goodwife Wilds Coming by the end of the seeat I sat in I was Emedatly taken with such apay[n] in my bake that I was not abell to bare it and fell downe in the seea[t] and did not know wheaire I was and some pepall tooke me up and Caried mee out of the meeting house but I did not know nothing of it tell afterwards when I Came to my selfe I did wonder how I Come theire up to mr Hubbard house and when I did Come to my selfe and a great many pepall Come about mee to aske mee what was the matter with mee Goodwife Wilds Come and stood at the End of the tabell and I Replied and said theire she is and my mother bid mee goe and serve her but I Could not sture/ and so I have Contined at times Ever senc som times with paynes in one plase and som times in another plase soe as I have not bin abell to doe any thing in my fameliey at severall times I have bin at the Docters but thay Cannot give mee any thing that #(dos) dos mee any good this is in short of what I Can say being #(some of the) heire in the heart of what I Can speeake too. I am verey Willing to Come and ateste to all above wrighteen and if the Lord give mee streanke but at present I am not abell to Come
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Elisabeth Symons
agt Sarah Wiles
to be Sumoned
Abraham Reddington Sen
Joseph Bixbey Jun'r
( Essex Institute MSS Collection, no. 13. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of John Gould and Zacheus Perkins v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 2, 1692]
The Depotion of John Gould aged about 56 yeares or theire about Testifeth and saith that some time sence whether it be fivfteen or sixteene yeares agoe I am not sarting but I toke it to be theire abouts sister Mary Redington tould mee as she was Coming from Salam with her Brother Redington that Goodwife Wilds did strive two or three times to pul her doune of her horse one time she did strive to pul her doune in a brooke but she did set her selfe with all her strenke #(to set her self) she Could and did git out of the brook and #(as) soone after she was got out of the brooke she said that Goodwife Wilds did pul her downe bakwords of her horse and held her downe so as she Could not helpe her selfe tell her Brother Redington and sarg't Edmon Towns did Come and helper [help her]/ and my sister did desier mee to Come and wright what she Could say how Goodwife Wilds did aflicte her for she would Leafe it in wrighting so as it might be seene when she was dead and I did goe downe to wright it once or twise but when I was redy to wright it sister was taken so as she Could not declare any thing/ also sister Mary tould mee that When Johanthan Wilds was ele [= ill] at her house in a straing maner so as he Could goe out at the Chimey tops #(in) into the barne hed git her henes and put them in to his breeches and kiled them/ sister Mary did aske Goodwife Wilds to take som of the dead henes and Let her have som Liveing henes and she did but sister said thay went moping about tell thay died and so shall I said sister Redington and the Last words I hard sister Redington say was that it was Goodwife Wilds that brought her into that Condition she did stand to it tell her death farder I doe testifie#[th] that as I was afeching two or three Load of hay for Zacheus perkins/ the s'd perkins tould mee that I must Lay the hay fast or eles his ant Wilds would not Let mee Cary it for she was angrey with him and as I went with one Load it did slipe downe in plaine way and I Lay it up againe and then I Came almost at home with it it fell doune againe and I Went and feched him another Load and when I Came wheare the first Load sliped the seckond did slipe downe then I got some of our frinds to helpe me up with it and wee bound it with two Cart ropes but it did slipe up and downe so as I did never see hay doe soe in my Life and when I came wheare I Left the first Load the hay went all of the Cart apon the ground and did bring the Cart over and it was rising ground I #(Could) did thinke that it was don by witchCraft
Jurat in Curia
Zacheus Perkins made Oath to the latter part of this Evidence relating to the Hay
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Jno. Jno. Gould
Zacheus Perkins.
( Essex Institute Collection, no. 12. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of Humphrey Clark v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 2, 1692]
the deposition of humpry Clark aged about 21 yere saith that about a yere agoo I was asleep and about midnight the bed shook & I awaked and saw a woman stand by the bed side which when I well Looked semed to me to be goodwif wills which jumpid to the tother corner of the house & then I saw hir no more
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Humphey Clerk.
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 8. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Roowley, MA. )
( Deposition of Thomas Dorman v. Sarah Wilds )
[+ July 2, 1692]
the deposition of Thomas Dorman aged 53 yers saith #(than) goody wils was arnest with me to by one hive of beese #(of me and I) and sins goodwife wils had thes beese I lost many Creturs and she Came to my hous one day and said She how doth your #(doe) geese thrive and she went to the pen whare thay were fatting, and thay were very fat and we Cept #(the) them a grat while longer feding them with Corne and thay pind away so as thay were good for litle and I lost six brave Cattle six yere agoe which was frozen to death in the midell of jenewary now sum time this summer my wif went to salem vilidg and my wife tould me that an putman the aflicted parsun tould hur that #(goodf) goodwife wils had whoried away my Cattell and I wondred an putman should know I lost my Cattle so long agoe
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Thomas Dorman.
( Essex Institute Manuscript Collection, No. 7, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
( Deposition of John Andrew and Joseph Andrew v. Sarah Wilds)
[June 30, 1692]
The deposistion of John Andrew aged about 37 years and Joseph Andrew agged about 33 years: both of Boxford who testifieth and saith that in the year 1674: we ware amowing together and one of us broak our sith [scythe] and not haveing oppertunity jest then to mend that nor by another wee went to the house of John willes sen'r of Topsfeild to borow a sith: but when we came there there was no man att whom: but the said willes wife who is now charged with acts of wicthcraf: was with in: and we asked hir to lend us a sith but she said had noe siths to lend: but one of hir neighbors being also there said to us there is John willes jun'rs sith hanging in that tree which stood by the house you may take that and spak#(a)e with him as you goe to your work for he is at worke neare the way as you goe along: and accordingly we took down the sith out of the tree and tould the old woman that we would ask leave of John willes jun'r for his sith before we used it: but she was very angry and said it was a brave world that every one did what they would. however we went away with the sith: but we had not been gon very fare from the house but a litle lad came after. us whose name was Efraime willes: and tould us that his mother said we had best bring the sith back againe: or Elce it should be a dear sith to us: however. we went on our way with the sith and asked the Right owner of it leave for it before we used it and went to our work and cutt down as much grass that day as made about three load of hay: and Returned the sith to the owner: and afterwards made up our hay: and afterwards went to carting of our hay and went into the meadow and loaded up one load very well and caried it whom: and went againe into the meadow and loaded a second load and [bound] it and went to Drive it whom: but when we came to drive our oxen wee could not make them stire the load tho we had six good oxen and the Two foremost oxen ware on the upland and the meadow very firme where we carted constantly: but we strived a while to make our oxen goe but could not fit them along; att last one of our wheales fell in up to the stock altho the meadow was feirme: then we threw almost all the hay from ofe our cart and thought to trie to git out the cart with sum hay upon it but we could not. then we said one to another. it was in vain to strive for we thought gooddy willes was in the cart. and then we threw of all the hay and then we tried to make our oxen draw out the emty cart which at first they could not doe: but att last the whele jumpt up at once we knew not how almost redy to thro down our oxen on their #(heads) knees then againe we loaded up our load of hay very well and bound it: and away wee went with it very well tell we came near to a very dangerous hill to goe down with a load of hay: and then I the said Joseph Andrew was by the foremost oxen and saw sumthing about as bigge as a dogge glance from a stump or root of a tree along by me and the oxen and the oxen began to jump: but I could not sti#(u)re from the place for I know not how long: and I the said John Andrew being by the hindmost oxen saw nothing but the oxen begining to jump I cast [caught] hold of one of the oxen bowes & as was caried down viollently that dangerouse hill I know not how: where was a brooke at the bottom of it with a bridge and a ford: and the oxen ran into the ford and over thrue the load of hay their: and when I came to
(Reverse)To understand where I was and saw the oxen ware all well I began to bethinke my self of my Brother Joseph: and Immediatly called him but he gave no answer. and I began to be trobled for him and went backward towards the place where the oxen were affrighted and I called severall times but he gave me no answer at last I called and said the load is overthron then immediatly he answered me and came unto me: but how the load should keep upon the wheles runing so violently down that dangerous hill: #(?) & being over throne whare it was we can give no account unles it was don by summ diabolicall art: then againe we gott up our cart and loaded up our hay very firme resolving to gitt hom our load if we could tho it was night: and when we had loaded we went to bind our load: but by all the skill [and] strenth we had we could now wayes bind our load with our cart rope but it would hang lose on our load: however we went away whom with our load and it laid very well for all it was night and our load unbound: also before we got whom many of our friends and neighbors meet us being consarned for us because we ware so latte & they also saw our cart Rope hang lose and tould us of it. and wee tould them what mishap we had that day: and they also tried to fasten the Rope but could not: all which made us then to think and ever sence have thought: and still doe thinke that Gooddy willes who #(had) now stands Charged with High suspition of severall acts of wicthcraft had a hand in our Mishap at that time#(?).
Jno Andrew: and Joseph Andrew. declared: the evidence: written on these two sides to: be the truth on: their oathes: declared: before the Jury of inquest: June 30. 92.
Jurat in Curia by both Persons
(Reverse) Jno &
Joseph Andrew
ag'st Wilds
( Essex Institute Manuscript Collection, no. 6. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
(Witnesses v. Sarah Wilds & Note about Sarah Good )
[++ July 2, 1692]
against Sarah Wilds
& also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by S'd Good Comitted & done before & Since that time
(Reverse) Complaints Warrants &c
Sarah Wilds
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 1, no.167, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )