SWP No. 165: List of Eleven Accused Persons and Their Accusers, May 1692
Complaint of Severall May 28'th 1692
(List of Eleven Accused Persons and Their Accusers, May, 1692)
[May 28, 1692]
Complaint of Severall May 28'th 1692
Gooddy Carier of Andevor Tho: Carriers wife -- ]
Mary Walcott Abigail William
Gooddy fosdick of Maldin Goody pain: Mary Waren
Mary Walcott Mircy Lewes Abigail William Ann Putnam
Goody Read of marble head upon the hill by the meet'house
Mary Walcott Mircy Lewes Abigail William Ann Putnam
Gooddy Rice of Reding
Ed. Marshals wife Mary Wal cott Abigall William
Goody How of Topsfield on Ipswich bounds Capt Hows brother wife vis Ja. Hows wife ]
Mary Walcott Abigail Williams Two women there abouts much affleted and suspect hir but canot sartainly say
Capt. Alldin complaind of a long time by
Mary Walcott Mircy lewes Abigail Williams Ann Putnam Susana Sheldon
Wm. proctor: Mary Walcot Susana Shelden
Toothakors wife & daughter Mary Walcot Abig. Williams
Capt. Flood Mary Walcot Abigail Williams & the rest
(On reverse) Arthur Abot lives in a by place something neare Maj. Appletons Farm and lives be tween Ip'h Topsfeild & Wenham
Complained of by Many
( Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )