SWP No. 173: Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710 - 1750)
(Petition of Ebenezer Barker for Restitution for Abigail Barker )
[** September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Comittee
An Account of what Ebenezer Barker of Andover payd for his wife Abigail Barker who was accused of witchcraft and suffered Imprisonment 18 weeks at Salem in the year 1692 Viz
To the Keeper of the Goal...............................1-10-0
it For Court Charges....................................1- 7-4
The sums abovs'd he was forc'd to pay before
his wife could be Released. Besides his
maintaining his wife wholly in prison with
provision and other necessaryes........................2-10-0
£ s d Totall. 5- 7- 4
per * Ebenezer Barker
I desire Capt Barker to give in this account
to the Hon'rable Comittee
* Eben. Barker
(Reverse) Abigail Barker of Andover Imprisond not Condemnd
( Mass. Archives Collection, Vol. 135, no. 146. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Barker for Restitution for Mary Barker )
[** September 13, 1710]
An Account of what money was pay'd by John Barker of Andover, for his Daughter Mary Barker who was accused of witchcraft, and suffered Imprisonment in the year 1692; which he was forc'd to pay before Releasment could be obtained.
The time of her Imprisonment being six weeks.
Viz £ s d
To the Keeper of the Goal in Salem...................00-17-6
it To the Sheriffe for the discharge of the prisoner upon Bail
(and for Bail Bond)..................................00- 6-0
it To the Clerk of the Court.........................01-17-4
for Provisions Expended in prison....................0-15-0
per * John Barker
( Mass. Archives Collection Vol. 135 No. 139. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Barker for Restitution for William Barker, Sr. )
[** September 13, 170]
An Account of what was payd by John Barker of Andover to the Deputy Sheriff in leiu of Cattel, which he had seis'd of the Estate of his Brother William Barker who was Imprisoned for Witchcraft, &c in the year 1692
Viz To the Deputy Sheriffe........................2-10-0
To the Keeper of Salem Goal'''''''''''''''''''''''1- 1-0
P'r * John Barker
( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 138. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Barker for Restitution for William Barker, Jr. )
[**September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee
An Account of what was payd by John Barker of Andover for his kinsman William Barker Jun'r of Andover who was accused of Witchcraft and suffered Imprisonm't Six weeks at Salem; which he was forc't to pay before he could obtain a Release for his Kinsman viz.
To the Keeper of the Goal at Salem ]...............00-17-6
To Provisions Expended in prison ].................00-15-0
it To the Sheriffe for Bail Bond...................00- 6-0
it To the Clerk of the Court
£ s d p'r * John Barker
Totall 3:15:10
(Reverse) Jno Barkers Account of W'm Barker Jun'r charges William Barker Imprisond Not condemnd
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 no. 149. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Edward Bishop for Restitution for Edward and Sarah Bishop )
[September 9, 1710]
Rehoboth Septem 9 -- 1710
to the honerabell Jentelmen of the Commitey greating It having plesed the grate and Jenerall cort to apiont your honers a Commitey to inquier who may be proper to be Justified in the bill Refering to the taking of the attainder and what loss and damidg has bene sustained by reason of the tryalls which were for witchcraft In the yere 1692 I with my wife were aprehended and examened and commited to Sallam prison and aftrewards cared to boston prison and in my absanc the Shrefe wente to my hous and tok a way so mutch of my housall goods as afterwards I payed tene pounds for to have It again Sixe cows was caried away which I never had a gain (four and [torn] swine carid away which I never had a gain. Sixe an fortiey Sheep of which I never had eney a gaine: the time that my sellf and wife were prisnors was thirtiey seven wekes all which tim cost me ten shillings pur weeake for our bord be sides other nesecri chardges and preson feese which amounted to five pounds and I was cept from making eney Improufment of my Estate to provide for food for my famiely and had at that time twelve children the which I Could have maintained out of the produce of my Esteat could I have had the liburty to med the Improufment of It which grat damidg I leve to your honers to Judg: -- the hole lose and damedg I compute to be one hundred pounds money praying your honers I may be righted In name and Esteat I Rest your honers humbl sarvnt
((Reverse) Edward Bishop & Wife long Imprisoned not Condemned
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 132. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
[September 11, 1710]
(Petition of Henry and Jane True for Restitution for Mary Bradbury )
Honred, Gentle men we have received your Notification & send this to Signify our Desiers that our good mother Mrs Bradburys name may be inserted in the bill proposed for the takeing off the attainder &c She throu faith obtained a good report among all Christians for her Exemplary piety & vertue & was ever Lookt on as an Innosent in Her Suffrings in that dark & gloomi day & we Doubt not but youl -- se cause as far as Can be in this Method to recover her reputation -- She Indured aboute Six months Imprisonment which putt our Honred father & Sum of her Children upon very great Expence of which we have Indeed no purticuler accounte but are well assured by what we have heard our father Capt Bradbury say of the money he Expended on that account or occasion & by our own observation & Concerne in the Case as well as others of the family that it Could not be Less then twenty pounds at the Lowest calculation besids time & trouble: -- we doubt not but Sum others might Suffer more in their Estates & it Semes very just and reasonable that restitution be in Sum measure made as far as the Case will beare & therefore: we wold not discourage so just & good a desine by any Excessive demands but rather Comply with any thing which your Honers shall think meet to allow therefore we not Expressly fix upon any Sum but leave it to your honers faverable Consideration only pray that we may have that reasonable Consideration & allowance which you make to others of Eaquall Surcomstances & which may be Consistant with & rather Incurrage then Discourage the gen' ll Desine now on foot our buisness is Shuch at home we Cant well attend your Honers at this Juncture but hope our writting may as Efectively Answer the Ende being Confident that Such is your Justice & Cander that you will not Improve our Moderation in our Demands to our disadvantage we Subscribe -- your most Humble Servants & petisioners --
Salisbury Sep'r -- 11 - 1710
& Jane True
Executor to the will
of Mrs Mary bradbury
Condemned for Witchcraft Sep'r 1692
Not Executed: made her Escape
Mary Bradbury Condemned Not Executed
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 135, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Sarah (Bridges) Preston for Restitution )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee appointed by the Generall Court to Consider the Loss of dammage Sustained by those who Suffered upon the Account of the Supposed witchcraft in the year 1692
An account of what was payd for Sarah Bridges , now the wife of Samuel Preston Jun'r of Andover, who Suffered Imprisonment Six weeks at Salem for the Supposed witchcraft in the yeare 1692
Viz £ s d
To the Keeper of the Goal.................1- 0- 0
it To Court Charges upon her Tryall.......1-17- 4
it money and provisions
Expended in Prison, & for
A trial bond, and Expences in
attending the Court a fortnight, which I judge
could not be less then
five and fourty shillings..................2- 5- 0
If I may be allowed four pounds it Will be to my Satisfaction I was not notifyed of the time when the Honorable Committee met at Salem, therefore could not give this account then. I humbly pray this Honourable Committee # [that I] to consider my Loss and damage.
*Sarah Preston
( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135, no. 140. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of William Buckley, Jr. for Restition for Sarah Buckley & Mary Witheridge )
[September 9, 1710]
To The Honourable Committee
The humble Representation of Will'm Buckly of the Damage sustained by our family in the year 1692 &c.
1 My Honored Mother Sarah Buckly & my sister Mary Witherige were both in prison from May until January following, dureing
2 which time 2 we were at the whole charge of their Maintenance And when they were 3 cleared & came out of prison we were forced to pay for Each of them five pounds to the officers -- We shall leave Your honours and the honourable Gen'll Court to judge and determine what our damage hath been by these sufferings -- and so Rest
salem Sept 13. 1710 Your Honours humble serv't
*W'm Buckly in the name of our family If we may be allowed fifteen pounds it will be to our satisfaction 15-00-00
(Reverse) Sarah Buckly & Mary Witheridge Imprisoned &c Not Condemnd
( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135, no. 160 Massachusettts State Archives. Boston, MA )
(Account of Charles Burroughs for Restitution for George Burroughs )
[** September 9, 1710]
To the Honoured Comitte apoined by the Gennarll Court to Inquire into the Names of Such as may be Meet for takeing of the atta[nbar ]der for the Makeing Some Restitucon & these Humbly & Sorroufully Shew that our Dear & Honourd father Mr George Burrough was aprehened in apriel -- 1692 at wells & Imprisoned Severall Months in Bostone & Salem Goales and at last Condemened & Executed for whichcraft which we have all the reason in the world to bleve he was innocent of by his carefull Chatecizing his Chilldren & upholding religion in his family and by his Solom & Savory written Instructions from prison we were Left a parsell of small Chilldren of us helpless & a mother in Law with one Small Child of her owne to take care of whereby she was not so Capable to take care of us by all which our fathers small Estate was most of it Lost & Expended and we Scattered we cannot tell Certanly what the lose may be but the Least we can Judge by best information was fifty poundes besides the damage that hath acrued to us many wayes thereby is Some hundreds of pounds wee Earnestly pray that the attainder may be taken of & if you please the fifty pounds may be restored
Elder Son In the Name of the reast
(On reverse side of paper)
Mr. George Burroughs Condemned & Executed having been lately of Wells in the Countey of York
( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135, no. 136. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Thomas Carrier for Restitutiion for Martha Carrier )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Committe Sitting at
Salem this 13 day of Sept. 1710
These are to Inform your Honours that my wife Martha Carrier was condemned upon an Accusation of witchcraft, and Suffered Death at Salem in the year 1692.
I payd to the Sherriff upon his Demand fifty Shillings.
I payd the prisonkeeper upon his demand for prison fees, for my wife and four children four pounds Sixteen Shillings.
My humble request is that the Attainder may be taken off; and that I may be considered as to the loss and dammage I Sustained in my estate
Totall 7-6-0
*Thomas Carrier
I found my wife and children provision during their imprisonment
Martha Carrier Condemned & Executed
( Massachusetts Archives. Vol. 135, no. 163. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA.)
(Petition of Sarah Cole for Restitution )
[September 13, 1710]
Salem Sept 13: 1710
Where as the Great & Generall Court has made Choyce of a Committe to hear & Receve the accots of what Damage Severall persons Sustained that were accuesed and Imprisoned for witch Craft; in the yeare 1692. & I the Subscriber being one -- Doe pray Your honers to a Low me a proportion with other under Like Surcumstance. The acco't is as followeth Seventeen week Imprisonment
paid the Goaler ...40s..................................02- 0- 0
writting bonds .... 6s.................................0- 6- 0
paid 18 for Court Charges..............................0-18- 0
being Imprisoned the Second time writting of bonds 6s..0- 6- 0
Carryed to Ipswig to be Cleared & paid 20 and more.....1- 0- 0
I found my self provision..............................2- 0- 0
[Total] 6.10.00
(Reverse) Sarah Cole Long Imprison'd not Condemned.
( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135, no. 155. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Moulton for Restitution for Giles & Martha Corey)
[September 13, 1710]
To the Hon'rable Commite Apointed by the Generall Court to make Enquire with Respect to the suferings in The year 1692: &c
these are to give you a short a Count of our sorrows and suferings which was in the yere 1692 some time in march our honerd father and mother Giles Corey & Martha his wife ware acused for soposed wich Craft and imprisoned and ware Removed from on prison to another as from Salem to ipswich & from ipswitch to boston and from boston to Salem againe and soe remained in Close imprisonment about four months we were att the whole Charge of their maintenance which was very Chargable and soe much the more being soe farr a distance from us as also by Reason of soe many removes in all which wee Could doe noe less than Acompanie them. which further added both to our trouble and Charge and although that was very Great is the least of our greavence or cause of Thease lines but that which breakes our hearts and for which wee goe mourning still is that our father was put to soe Cruell and painfull a death as being prest to death our mother was put to death also though in another way.
And as wee Cannot sufficiantly Express our Griffe for the loss of our father and mother in such away -- soe we cannot Compute our Exspences and Coast but Shall Comite to your wisdome to judge of but after our fathers death the sh'rife thretened to Size our fathers Estate and for feare thar of wee Complied with him and paid him Eleaven pound six shillings in monie by all which we have bee[n] greatly damnified & impovershd by being Exsposed to sell Creaturs and other things for litle more than half the worth of them, to get the monie to pay as afores'd and to maintaine our father & mother in prison but that Which is grieveous to us is that wee are not only impoverished but also Reproached and soe may bee to all generatians and that wrongfully two unless something bee done for the removeall thereof all which we humbly Committe to the honorable Court Praying God to direct to that which may bee axceptable in his sight and for the good of this land
September the 13th 1710
Wee subscrib your humble searvants in all Christiane obedience We Cannot Judge our nesessary Expence to be less then Ten pounds
(Reverse) *John Moulton who mared Elezabeth Corey daughter of the aboves'd in the behalf of the reast of that familie. Giles Corey & Martha his wife Condemnd & Executed, both of Salem.
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 161. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Nathaniel Dane for Restitution for Deliverance Dane )
[** September 9, 1710]
An Account of the Expences of Nathaniel Dane
of Andover for his wife Deliverance who was accused of witchcraft
and Suffered Imprisonment 13 weeks in the year 1692 And for his man
Servant who was Imprisoned eight weeks upon the same account.
For prison fees and money and provision necessarily
Expended while they were in prison]....................3-13-0
it money to the sheriffe & the Clerk and the keeper
when my wife was discharged upon Bail ]................1- 0-0
I desire mr Barnard to give in this Acc't to the Hon'rable comittee
P'r *Nathaniel Dane
(Reverse) Nathan'll Danes Account
Deliverance Dane Imprisoned Not Condemnd
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 147. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Rebecca Eames for Restitution)
[September 12, 1710]
Boxford Septem 12-1710
to the honred Jentlmen of the commitey greating It having pleased the greate and Jenaral cort to a piont your honars a commity to inquire who may be propr to bee Justified in the bill refering to the taking ofe the attainder and what loss and damedg has bene sustained by reasen of the tryalls whitch wer for witchcraft In the yere 1692 Rebecka Emes releck of Raborth Ems late of boxford dececed being aprehended for witchcraft In the yere 1692 some time the begineng of Ogust and sufered Imprisnment a bove seven months and condemned and afterwards re preved by gourner feps: I Rebecka[n] emes humbly pray and de sier that the attaintir may be tecken of and my neme may be re stored a gain with the cost and damedges Is sustained there by to [to] my husbands Esteat: paid in moniy to the prision keepr and cort chardges four pounds eaightten shillings for the repreve to the govrners clark 1£-10s-0d. for provisons and other nesecriy chardgs whils inprisened and upon [upon] my tryall expended by my husband for mee whils under those dollful surcomstances I think I may sefly say amounted to ten poundes mor -- 10-00-00 Yete If the attaintur may be taken of and my neme restored againe I am willing to take tene pounds witch I leve to your honers consideration I remaine
your humbell sarvant Rebeckah Emes
(Reverse) Rebeccah Eames not Executed an Extraordinary Confessor
( Mass. Archives Collection, Vol. 135 No. 151. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Isaac Esty Sr. for Restitution for Mary Esty )
[September 8, 1710]
Topsfield Septemb'r 8th. 1710
Isaac Esty Sen of Topsfield in the county of Essex in N. E. having been sorely exercis'd through the holy & awful providence of God depriving him of his beloved wife Mary Esty who suffered death in the year 1692 & under the fearfull odium of one of the worst of crimes that can be laid to the charge of mankind, as if she had been guilty of witchcraft a piece of wickedness which I beleeve she did hate with perfect hatred & by all that ever I could see by her never could see any thing by her that should give me any reason in the lest to think her guilty of any thing of that nature but am firmly persuaded that she was as innocent of it as any to such a shameful death -- Upon consideration of a notification from the Honored Generall Court desiring my self & others under like circumstances to give some account of what my Estate was damnify'd by reason of such a hellish molestation do hereby declare which may also be seen by comparing papers & records that my wife was near upon 5 months imprisoned all which time I provided maintenance for her at my own cost & charge, went constantly twice aweek to provide for her what she needed 3 weeks of this 5 months she was in prison at Boston & I was constrained to be at the charge of transporting her to & fro. So that I can not but think my charge in time and mony might amount to 20 pounds besides my trouble & sorrow of heart in being deprived of her after such a manner which this world can never make me any compensation for.
I order & appoint my son Jacob Esty to carry this to the Honored Committee Appointed by the Honored Generall Court & are to meet at Salem
Isak Esty sen'r aged about 82 years
Sept 12 1710
(Reverse) Mary Easty of Topsfield
Dated this 8th of Sept. 1710
Condem'd & Executed.
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 130. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Phillip English )
[** September 13, 1710]
To the Comittee Appointed to Distribute the money allowed to the Sufferers in 1692......
I request the favour of you to represent it to the Gen'll Court what a great Sufferer I have been in my Estate by reason of the Severe prosecution of me & my wife in that Dark time. It Cost me fifty pounds at Boston & we were forced to fly for our Lives at which time my Estate was Seised & Squandred away to a great Value & much of my provision used to Subsist the numerous Company of prisoners -- In the whole I am Exceedingly Damnifyed the most of my personal Estate to the Value of many hundreds of pounds taken from me & Very Little of it Restored againe I pray to Consider my Extroardinary Sufferings
I am Gent yo'r Serva.
(Reverse) Mr English To the Comitte
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 no. 184. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Account of Phillip English )
To the Honered Commitey A pointed by the Generall Court to Inquire in to the names proper to be Insarted in the Bill for Tacking of the Attander amd What damages thay sustaned by thare prosceution These Are to signify that I Phillip English Whas Imprisoned togather With My Whife in salem Prison and then Carred to Boston Prison, and thare Lay Nine Weeks from Whance Whe Made our Escape in Which time besides our Charge in flying had the Estate heare aftor Menechened Loast and Tacking a Whay In the Ware Hous att the Pint of Rocks
To 20 hogsheds of Soatt 025: 00: 00
To 32-lt 2'-qts 17-lb. of Spanish Iorn bought of Capt John Brown065: 06: 00
To 43 quantells of Rasedg Cod fish 025: 16: 00
To 2 hogsheds of Melases 015: 00: 00
To 12 New axes 002: 08: 06 In the Weare Hows behind Docktor Roundeys133: 10: 00
To 500 butchells of Vorginiy Whet 150: 00: 00
To 203 butchells of Engen Corn 027: 00: 00
To 3 pipes of Whine 027: 00: 00 In the Weare Hows in the Lane 137: 12: 6
To 2 Bootts of Suger 024: 00: 00
To 2 hogsheds of Suger 024: 00: 00
To 4 hoggheds of Melases 030: 00: 00 [torn] ght Iorn 100: 00: 00
[torn] key 036: 00: 00 [torn] 18-lt of New Cordeg 060: 00: 00 [torn] of Nialls 024: 00: 00
To I Chist of Glass 003: 00: 00 In the Weare Hows Next to Cartors on the Wharlf 683: 12: 6
To I hogshead of Rum 012: 00: 00
To 8 bundells of Twine 014: 00: 00
To 160 butchells of Whet 040: 00: 00
To 500 Whate of Rope 012: 10: 00
To 5 Ketch Ankours Whate 682 ls 017: 01: 00
To 2 Shollops Ankours Whate 64 lb 001: 12: 00
To 1 Bots Ankour Whate 20 lb 000: 10: 00 One the Wharlf 736: 05: 6
To 58 thousands of Bords or More 145: 00: 00
To 10 thousands of Staves 012: 10: 00
To 7 thousands of Slitwoork or more 014: 00: 00 Carried Ower to the Other Side 907: 15: 6 Brought over from the Other Side heare 907: 15: 6
To 2000 of Clabbords 005: 00: 00
To 28 thousands of Shingells 008: 00: 00 In My Dwelling Hous 920: 15: 6 In a pine Chist 6 peses of Canton qt 31 anns 005: 00: 00
To 5 duzen of Wosted Stockens 010: 10: 00
To 40 yards of Broad Cloth 025: 00: 00
To 3 gross of Thimbells 001: 10: 00
To 27 yards of Carsey 006: 05: 00 To 14 yards of Ticking 002: 02: 00
To 43 yards of hiy Brinns 006: 09: 00 In a Nother Chist 977: 11: 6
To 2 half peses of fine Dowlis 015: 00: 00
To 1 half pes of Buckrem 003: 00: 00
To 8 peses Kenton qt 40 anna 007: 10: 00
To 2 Duzen of fine Woosted Stockens 007: 04: 00
To 1 pess of Sarge 003: 10: 00 Luse In The Shop Chamber 1013: 15: 6
To 13\mh\ yards of Sarge 0002: 14: 00
To 11 yards of Broad Cloth 0001: 02: 00
To 1 duzen of Wimons Shews 0002: 08: 00
To 3 Ramnants of fine hollond qt 45\m?\ 0004: 18: 00
To 1 pess of Sant Johns qt 92 anns [torn]
To 24 yards of New England Canvis [torn]
To 31 yards of Bast Nialls [torn]
To 35 yards of hambrow dowlis [torn]
To 90 yards of Brinns is 9:£.6:s0 ... 0009: 00: 0
To 29 yards of Navalls 0004: 04: 0
To 74 yards of fagures 0007: 03: 0
To 20 li of Brown Thread 0003: 00: 0
To 2 Small Caske of Stell 0005: 00: 0
To 1 thousand Whate of frantch Lines at Lest 0075: 00: 0
To A bought a thousand Whate of Ladd 0014: 00: 0
To 7 gross of Cod Hucks 0010: 00: 0
To 1500 of Mackrell Hucks 0002: 00: 0
To 6 Swine Sold for 0002: 00: 0
To A Cow 0002: 10: 0 Carred Over to the other Side 1183: 02
Brought ovr here from the other side
The foregoing is a true Account of What I had Seized tacking away Lost and Embezeld whilst I was a prisoner in the yeare 1692 & whilst on my flight for my life besides a Considerable quantity of household goods & other things which I Cannot Exactly give a pertickolar Acco off for all which I Never Reseved any other or further satisfacon for them Then Sixty Pounds 3s payd Me by the Administrators of George Corwine Late Sherife desesd and the Estate was so seisd & Tackin away Chiefly by the Sherife and his under offisers not withstanding I had given fore thousand pound Bond with Surety att Boston
*philip English
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 nos. 127-129. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Abigail Faulkner, Sr. for Restitution )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept. 13, 1710 An Account of the Sufferings of Abigail Faulkner of Andover and of 2 of her children for supposed witchcraft, and of the Damage she sustained thereby in the year 1692
1 I suffered imprisonment four moneths and my children were in prison about a moneth. And upon my Tryall I was condemned upon such evidence as is now generally thought to be insufficient, as may be seen in the court Records of my tryal. I humbly pray that the Attaindre may be taken off, and that my name that has been wronged may be restored.
2 I was at the whole charge of provideing for myself and my children during the time of our Imprisonment.
3 Money payed the Sheriffe, Keeper, Kings Attorney [&c] for prison fees, court charges & for Bonds and for my Reprieve & pardon]...........10-0-0
4 My Expences in providing for my self & children while we were in prison; time and expences in journeys and attending the Courts were considerable, which I leave to the Honourable Committe & the Gen'll Court to allow me what may be thought Reasonable, which will be to my Satissaction & If it be but [10£]
(Reverse) Abigail Faulkner of Andover Condemnd not Executed
( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135, no. 154. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA )
(Petition of Abraham Foster for Restitutiion for Ann Foster )
[September 13, 1710]
The Honorable Committee now Sitting at Salem Sept. 13, 1710 Whereas my Mother Anne Foster of Andover suffered Imprisonment 21 weeks and upon her Tryall was condemned for Supposed witchcraft, upon such evidence as is now Generally thought Insufficient And died in Prison. I being well perswaded of my mothers Innocency of the Crime for which she was condemned: Humbly desire that the Attainder may be taken off --
The Account of my charges and expences for my mother During her Imprisonment is as followeth
To money which I was forced to pay the keeper before I
could have the dead body of my mother to bury].................. 2-10-0
Money & provisions expended while she was in Prison]............ 4- 0-0
p'r *Abraham Foster the Son of the Deceased
(Reverse) Anne foster of Andover Condemned dyed in prison Confessor
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 159. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA )
(Petition of John Fry for Restitution for Eunice Fry )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Committee
An Account of the Expences of John Fry late of Andover for his wife Eunice Fry who suffered Imprisonment 15 weeks upon an accusation of witchcraft, in the year 1692
Viz For Prison fees and money and provisions Expended in prison ]....3- 0-0
it To the clerk for court charges].................................. 1-17-4
p'r *John Frie Executor to the deceas'd
I desire Capt John Barker to give in this account to the Honor able Comittee
J. [F]
(Reverse) John Fry's Account
Eunice Fry Imprisoned Not Condemnd.
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 148. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of William Good for Restituion for Sarah Good and Dorcas Good )
[September 13, 1710]
To The Honourable Committee
The humble representation of Will'm. Good of the Damage sustained by him in the year 1692. by reason of the sufferings of his family upon the account of supposed Witchcraft
1 My wife Sarah Good was In prison about four months & then Executed.
2 a sucking child dyed in prison before the Mothers Execution.
3 a child of 4 or 5 years old was in prison 7 or 8 months and being chain'd in the dungeon was so hardly used and terrifyed that she hath ever since been very chargeable haveing little or no reason to govern herself. -- And I leave it unto the Honourable Court to Judge what damage I have sustained by such a destruction of my poor family -- And so rest
Your Honours humble servant
*William Good Salem.
Sept. 13. 1710 30.£ proposed for to be allowed
(Reverse) Wm Good Sarah Good of Salem Condemned and Executed
( UNCAT MS, Witchcraft Collection, no. 4620, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. )
(Petition of Peter Green for Restitution for Mary Green )
[September 13, 1710]
September 15 -- 1710
an a Kount of Peter Green of havarell his caust and charge a rising by reason of his wife's being apprehended for wich craft in the eayer 92 which is as foloeth for a sisting tha constabell with my wife to salam and from thenc to ipswech 0-12-0
for a journey of myself and
1 man with me to give bond for my wife...... 01- 4-0
and for riting the bond......................00- 2-0 and
for preson charges 19 weacks.................2- 7-6 and
upon her triall.............................01- 2-6 and
for my journe 4 days upon her triall........00-16-0
and I would pray youer honners to consider me as to her impresenment but that I desire to leave with youer honners to determen
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 no. 170. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Francis Johnson for Restitution for Sarah Hawkes )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Comittee Sitting in Salem Sept. 13. 1710
The Account of Sarah Hawks , now the wife of Francis Johnson of Andover, who suffered Imprisonment 5 moneths in the year 1692 for the Supposed Witchcraft
money payd to the Sheriffe and to the Keeper before she could obtain
a Discharge.......................................................2-14-0.
it Her Expences for her Provisions while She was in Prison........2-10-0.
which I desire may be allowed
p'r Francis Johnson on behalf of his wife.
(Reverse) Sarah Hawks Imprisond Not Condemnd
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 166. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John and Annis King for the Restitution of Dorcas Hoar )
[September 13, 1710]
An account of what Dorkeas whore had Taken from her who was condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692:
to 2 coues & one ox & mare.......................4- 0-0
to 4 shotes 10s pr ..............................2£
to bed & curtains & beding.......................5£ 7- 0-0
to other house hold stuf.........................2£ 11s
to 11 months diet at 12s per month...............2-11-0
which they found while she was in prison........6-06-0
To expenses In carrying her from one prison
to another and finding her wood and cloths.......2- 0-0
SuTotall 21-17-0
p'r John King & Annis King daughter of the s'd Dorcas Hoar
(Reverse) Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Condemned not Executed
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 134. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of William Hobbs for Restitution of Abigail Hobbs )
[September 13, 1710]
Topsfield 13 of September 1710
Where as the great & Honoured Court have apointed a Comity to consider what damieg persons sustained in there Estats in the yeare 1692 by what thay suffered in that as was called witch craft the odom wherof was as the worst of mankind: William hobs #[my wife & my daughter] ten month my charges And exspences Amounted to twenty pounds money besids Los of time which my damieg I think can not be less then 40 pounds: yet not withstanding upon Consideration that our names may be Repayred againe I am willing to take 20 pounds so leaveing it to your Honours consideration I remain your unworthy Servant *William Hobs.
(Reverse) Abigail Hobbs Condemnd not Executed of Topsfield Confessor.
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 156. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Mary and Abigail How for Restitution for Elizabeth How )
[September 9, 1710]
Ipswich the 9 of September 1710
Whereas the Honoured Generall Court have apointed a Commity To Consider what damieg persons have sustained in there names & Estats in the yeare 1692 by there sufferings in that as was Caled Witchcraft the odom wherof was as if they ware the worst of mankind We Mary how & Abegill How: we only sirvive in this familey: who doe Groundedly beleive that our honoured mother Elizabeth How suffered as innosent of the crym charged with as any person in the world & as to the damieg done to our Estat We Cannot give a pertiquler acount but This we know that our Honoured father went twise a week the whole Tim of her Emprisonment to carey her maintins which was procured with much difficulty & one of us went with him becaus he could not goe alone for want of sight also one jurny to boston for a Replency & for maintanance five shilling money left with her the first coming down 20 Shilings the secont time & forty Shilings. so that somtimes mo. som less yet never under five shillings per week which we know for charges for her & nesseary charg for our selvs & horses can not be less then 20 pounds mony: yet notwithstand so that the nam may be Repayard we are contented if your honours shall allow us twelve pounds yours to serve. Mary How & Abigell How
This petition was p'sented to sayd Comitte by Capt Jono How & Abraham How uncles to s'd Mary & Abigail P'r Relief in the p'mises and pray the s'd p'ons May be allowed the Sum.
(Reverse) Eliza How Condemnd & Executed of Ipswich
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 131. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of George Jacobs, Jr. for Restitution for George Jacobs, Sr. )
[September 13, 1710]
An a compt of what was seised and taken a way from my fathers Estate George Jacobs Sen'r Late of Salem dec'd by Sherif Corwin and his assistants in the yeare 1692 When my s'd father was Executed and I was forced to fly out of the Countrey to my great damige and destress of my fameley my wife and daughter Imprisoned viz my wife 11 months and my daughter Seven months in prison it Cost them twelve pounds money to the officers besides other Charges
five Cows faier Larg Cattle 3£ Per Cow.................................15-00-0
Eight Loads of English Hay taken out of the Barn 35s per Load..........14-0-0
aparcel of appels that made 24 barils Cider to halves
Viz 12 barils Cider 8s per baril......................................14-16-0
60 bussells of Ind'n Corn 2s-6d per busel..............................7-10-0
a mare.................................................................2- 0-0
2 good feather beds and furniture -- Rugs blankets sheets boulsters
and pilous............................................................10- 0-0
2 brass Kittles Cost 6-0-0 money.........................................12s
a Large goold thumb Ringg 20s.........................................1-12-0
five Swine............................................................3-15-0
a quatity of p'wter which I cannot Exactly know worth porhaps.........3-0-0 [Total] 67-13-0
besides a bundance of small things meat in the hous fowls Chaiers
and other things took Clear a way....................................12-0-0 [Total] 79-13-0
Sixty Seven pounds thirteen Shillings my fathers Estate The Twelve pounds paid for my wife & Children
(Reverse) George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem Condemned & Executed.
George Jacobs jun his acco't
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 144. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Francis Johnson for Restitution for Elizabeth Johnson Jr. )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept 13. 1710
The Account of Francis Johnson of Andover.
Whereas my Sister Elizabeth Johnson Jun'r of Andov'r, was Imprisoned Six moneths, for the supposed witchcraft, and upon her Tryall was condemned by such Evidence as is now Generally thought to be Insufficient In the year 1692. She the Said Elizabeth Johnson Humbly prayes that the Attainder may be taken off.
My expences for maintaining my Sister with
provisions during her Imprisonment was.......................3-0-0
Which I pray may be allowed.
p'r *Francis Johnson on behalf of his sister
(Reverse) Eliza Johnson Jun'r Imprisond not Condemned
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no.162. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Francis Johnson for Restitution for Elizabeth Johnson, Sr. )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee Sitting in
Salem Sept 13, 1710
The Account of Elizabeth Johnson, Sen'r of Andover, of her Imprisonment for the Supposed witchcraft in the year 1692:
viz. She was Imprisoned 5 moneths and found her self provision during that time..2-10-0
To money payd to the keeper and the Sheriffe before she could obtain a Releas....2-14-0
To charges for 2 of her children who were Imprisoned 5 weeks viz. Stephen & Abigail
upon the account of the witchcraft
P'r *Francis Johnson by order & one behalf of his mother
Totall 7:10-0
(Reverse) Expenses Eliza. Johnson
Imprisond Not Condemnd
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 157. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petitiion of John Johnson for Restitution for Rebecca Johnson )
[** September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee
An Account of what was payd & expended by Rebecca Johnson of Andover for herself and her Daughter Rebecca who were accused of Witchcraft, and Suffered Imprisonment at Salem thirten weeks in the year 1692 £ s d
money & provisions expended while they were in Goal......................3-15-0
it To the sheriffe for Bail Bonds for each of them.......................0- 8-0
it To Court charges which she was forcid to pay for her Self]
& Daughter before they could obtain a Release............................1-17-4
Total 6-0-4
p'r *John: Johnson
son of the sd Rebecca Jon'son
on behalf of his mother
there were sundry other P'r Expences that I was at but
shall be Satisfyd if Son of the s'd Rebecca this account may be allowed
(Reverse) Rebecca Johnson of Andover & daughter Imprisoned
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 142. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Lawrence Lacey for Restitution for Mary Lacey, Sr. )
[* September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Committee Sitting at Salem Sept. 13, 1710
The Account of Lawrence Lacy of Andovr
Whereas my wife Mary Lacy Suffered Imprisonment above seven moneths and upon her Tryall was condemned for Supposed witchcraft, but Reprieved in the year 1692 I humbly pray that the Attainder may be taken off.
My Expences were
viz. To the Keeper of the Goal......03-10-0
For Provisions Expended in Prison
and other charges During her
Imprisonment........................5- 0-0
Total 8-10-0
I desire Capt Jno Barker to give in this account to
the Gent'n. of the Comittee
p'r *Lawrence Lacy
(Reverse) Mary Lacey sen'r Condemned not Executed
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 158. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Lawrence Lacey for Restitution for Mary Lacey, Jr.)
[September 13, 1710]
To the Hon'r able Committee
An Account of money payd. expended or disburst by Lawrence Lacy of Andover for his Daughter Mary Lacey who was Accused of wicthcraft and Suffered Imprisonment in the year 1692, which he was forced to pay before a Release could be obtained.
The time of her Imprisonment was ten #[moneths] weeks
viz £. s d
To the keeper of the Goal at Salem............................1- 5-0
it To the clerk of the Court..................................1-17-4
I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Hon'rable Comittee
p'r *Lawrence Lacy
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 137. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Marston for Restitution for Mary Marston )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Committee
An Account of the Expences of John Marston of Andover for his wife Mary who suffered Imprisonment upon Accusation of witchcraft, 20 weeks in the year 1692: which he was forced to pay before his wife could be Released
To the Prison keeper.................................1-7-0
it For Court Charges.................................1-7-4
Besides his maintaining his wife with provision
during the time of her Imprisonment
and for other Expences.............................2-5-0
Total 4:£ 19s 4d
p'r *John Marston
I desire capt. Barker to give in this account
to the Hon'r able Comittee
(Reverse) John Marstons Account
Mary Marston Imprisond not Condemned
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 143. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Mary Morey for Restitution for Sarah Morey )
[** September 13, 1710]
To the honered Committy Now Setting apinted by The Ginerall Court
The Humbell pition of Mary Morey Widdow of Peter Morey of bavrly desert [sours] our Dautor Sarey Morey Whas folsly accused & Imprisened for the Sin of Whichcraft The Month of May one Thousand Six Hundred ninty Tew and remaned In prison, Teill Januarey following our Said daftor Whas Treyed & Cleared by Law Which Imprisonment Whas Much more To our Damage Then I Cann Think of know or Cann Speek but what fowlows Now Is What I have pade out of My pocket for her Charges & our Expenes In Jurning to Is Cist her
To 35 Wieks diet in prison att 3s p'r...................05: 05: 0
To Savarall Jorneys to Boston & to Salem...............02: 00: 0
To the Keeper..........................................05: 00: 0
[Total] 12: 05: 0 her
Mary Morey X
(Reverse) Mary Moreys Acco
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 150. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Samuel Nurse for Restitution for Rebecca Nurse )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee Appointed to make Enquiry with respect to the Sufferings in the Tryalls in the year 1692
The humble Representation of Sam'll: Nurse of the damage sustained by our family in the year 1692 by reason of the Imprisonment condemnation and Execution of my Honoured Mother Rebekah Nurse for supposed Witchcraft
1 We were at the whole charge of provideing for her dureing her Imprisonm't in Salem and Boston for the space of almost four months
2 And also we spent much time and made many Journys to Boston & Salem & other places in order to have vindicated her Innocency.
3 And altho we produced plentifull testimony that my honoured and Dear mother had led a blameless life from her youth up -- yet she was condemned and executed upon such Evidence as is now Generally thought to be Insufficient, which may be seen in the court record of her tryall.
4 And so her Name and the name of her Posterity lyes under reproach the removeing of which reproach is the principal thing wherein we desire restitution.
5 And as we know not how to express our loss of such a mother in such a way; so we know not how to compute our charge but shall leave it to the judgm't. of others, and shall not be critical but ready to receive such a satisfaction as shall be by the Honourable Court judged sufficient -- so Praying God to Guide unto such Methods as may be for his Glory and the good of this land -- I rest
Your Honours In all christian obedience
*Sam'll Nurse
Salem Septem. 13. 1710 In the name of my brethren
Altho fourty pounds would not repair my Loss and damage in my Estate, yet I shall be satisfyd if may be allowed five and twenty pounds. Provided the Attainder be taken off.
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 165. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Samuel Osgood for Restitution for Mary Osgood )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee sitting at Salem Sept 13, 1710
An Account of the Expences of Capt John Osgood Late of Andover for his wife Mary Osgood who Suffered Imprisonment 15 weeks upon accusation of witchcraft in the year 1692
it. Money and Provisions Expended in Prison & for Prison fee....3-10-0
For Court charges payd to the Clerk............................1-17-4
Elatson....................Totall 5- 7-4
There were other Expences which I do not charge.
p'r *Samuel Osgood
by order & on behalf of his mother
(Reverse) Mary Osgood
wife of Capt Osgood
late Andover Dec'd
Imprisond &c
( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135, no. 152. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Mary Post for Restitution )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honorable Committee sitting at Salem Sept 13, 1710 An Account of what was payd by Mary Post of Andover who suffered Imprisonment above eight months, and was condemned upon her tryall for witchcraft at Salem in the year 1692
Viz. £. s. d
To the Keeper of the Goal................4-7-6
The Court charges to the sheriffe........1-17- 4
or provision I found myself in prison....2-10- 0 [Total] 8:14:10
The sums aboves'd she was forced to pay
before she could obtain a Release
I humbly desire The Attainder may be taken off.
p'r *Mary Post
my Loss and damage by my imprisonment was not
less than fourteen pound but I shall be satisfyed with
8-14-0 I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Gentlemen of the Committee
*Mary Post
(Reverse) Mary Post's Account
Mary Post Condemnd not Executed
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 153. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Mercy Wardwell for Resrtitution )
[* September 13, 1710]
An Account of what was payd by mercy wardwell , now the wife of John wright of Andover; who suffered Imprisonment upon accusation of witchcraft, above five moneths. in the year 1692
money to the Keeper of the prison...........1- 4-0
it Four Court chages......................01-10-0
Besides her maintaining herself w'th
provision all the time she was in prison...2-14-0
Totall 5:-4-0
p'r *mercy Wright
I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Hon'rable Comittee
M. W.
(Reverse) Mercy Wardwels Account Imprisond not Condemned
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 141. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Samuel Wardwell Jr. for Restitutiion for Samuel and Sarah Wardwell )
[September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept 13. 1710.
An Account of what was seiz'd and taken away by the Sheriffe or his Deputy and assistants out of the Estate of Samuel Wardwell late of Andover Deceased who suffered the paines of Death under condemnation on the Sorrowfull tryalls for witchcraft in the year 1692.
Seis'd and taken away
5 Cowes at 2 P.............................10-00-00
1 Heifer & a yearling.......................2-5-00
1 Horse.....................................3-0-00
9 Hogs..................................... 7-0- 0
8 Loads of Hay..............................4-0-0
A set of Carpenters Tools...................1-10-0
6 Acres of corn upon the ground.............9-00-00
Sarah Wardwell the wife of Samuell Wardwell aforesaid was condemned upon her Tryall for witchcraft, at Salem in the year 1692 -- I being well Satisfyed in the Innocency of my father and mother of the crime for which they were condemned humbly desire the attainder may be taken off
p'r *Samuel Wardwell Eldest son of the Deceased
(Reverse) Samuel Wardwells Account of Andover Condemnd & Executed
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 164. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Ephraim Wilds for Restitution for Sarah Wilds )
[September 11, 1710]
Topsfield Septem 11, 1710
To the honered Jentell men of the commitey greating: it having pleased the great and Jeneral cort to a piont your honars a comitte to inquier who may be proper to bee Justified in the bill refering to the taking ofe the attainder and what loss and damedg hes been sustained by reason of the tryalls which were for witchcraft in the yer 1692 under which soroful triall my mother Sarah Wild was Condemnd & executed: my father being now disseced and only my self left I here apere to give in som short acount of the cost and damedg we sustained in them tims: my mother was carried to Salem prison sum time in Epral we ware at the cost of it and chardg of ceping har there a considrabl whille and after wards shee was removed to boston prison we wer at the cost of it and chardg of ceping hare ther for about tow months and then from boston shee was removed back to Ipswech prison we ware at the cost of that and after a whill she was removed to Salam again we ware at all the Cost both of caring and pro viding for her maintance whill in all these prisons: be sids ether my father or my self went once a wek to see how she deed and what she wanted and some tims twis a weke which was a grat cost and damedg to our estate my father would often say that the cost and damedg we sustained in our esteate wase twenty pounds and I am in the mind he spok les then it was: besids the los of so dere a frind which cannot be mede up::all which I leve to your honers consideration: I remin your honers humbel sarvant
*Ephraim Willdes
yet not withstanding twas twenty pounds damedg to our Estate considring our nams may be repaired I am willing to tak forten pounds
(Reverse) #[Ephraim Willdes] Sarah Wilds of Topsfield Condemned & Executed --
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 133. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Margaret Towne for John Willard )
[September 13, 1710]
Topsfield Septemb. 13 1710
To the Honored committee appointed by the Honored Generall Court (to make enquiry into the dammage sustained by any persons in the year 1692 by reason of the great disturbance in our land from the powers of darkness) the Committee aforesaid being to meet at Salem Sept the 14.
Margarett Town of Topsfield in the County of Essex in N. England, formerly Margarett Willard Relict of John Willard Late of Salem who suffered death in that hour of the power of darkness as if he had been guilty of one of the greatest of crimes that ever any of the Sons of Adams have been left of God to fall into, Having been notified by order of the Generall court to appear before your Honors to give an account as near as I can what dammage my self together with my aforesaid former Husband did sustain in our Estate besides the fearfull odium cast on him by imputing to him & causing him to suffer death for such a piece of wickedness as I have not the least reason in the world to thinke he was guilty of I say besides that reproach & the grief & sorrow I was exposed to by that means I do account our dammage as to our outward estate to have been very considerable. for by reason of my said former Husband being seized by order of the civil Authority & imprisoned all our Husbands concerns were laid by for that summer we had not opportunity to plant or sow whereas we were wont to raise our own bread corn I Reckon (which your Honors may please more certainly to Inform your selves from the Records of those unhappy times & things that happened) I say according to my best Remembranc from the time of his first imprisonment to the time of his suffering was near upon half a year all which time I was at the trouble & charge to provide for him in prison what he stood in need of out of our own estate, my aforesaid Husband was 3 weeks a prisoner at Boston which occasioned me to be at yet more charge & trouble & altho I had after his sentence of death was past upon him obtained a Replevin for him for a little time which not coming as was expected at the time appointed I was forced to hire a horse at Salem & go to Boston to see what was the reason of the failure, I have nothing further to add but only to pray your Honors to guess at the dammage as well as you can by the Information I have here given & that God will direct you in & about what you are now concerned about, & so take Leave to subscribe my self
Your Honors Humble & sorrowful servant
the marke of
Margarett Town T
I Judge that my Loss and damage in my estate hath not been Less than thirty pounds, But I shall be satisfyed If I may have twenty pounds allowed me.
(Reverse) John Willard of Salem Condemned & Executed
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135, no. 167. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of Joseph Wilson -- Cases of Sarah Wilson, Sr. and Sarah Wilson, Jr. )
[* September 13, 1710]
To the Honourable Committee.
An Account of what was payd by Joseph Wilson of Andover for his wife Sarah and Daughter Sarah who Suffered Imprisonment at Salem, upon an Accusation of Witchcraft in the year 1692. the one was Imprisoned fifteen weeks the other Six weeks
money and Provisions expended while they were in Prison......2-10-0
it For Bail Bonds, to the Clerk..............................0-8-0
it To the Deputy Sheriffe for Court Charges..................1-17-4
p'r *Joseph willson
I Desire Capt Jno Barker to give in this Account to the Honorable Committe
(Reverse) Joseph Wilsons account
[Sarah Willson Jun'r](/tag/wilson_sarah_jr.html Imprisoned not Condemned
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 145. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Summary of the Amounts Requested by the Victims and Their Relatives)
[September 28, 1711]
Mr. Sewall Hon'rd friend
Sr. Respects pr'mised yo'rs I received of yo'r son, bearing date the 27th of this Instant mo'th & according to yo'r desire I have drawne out the Names & Sums (of the Respective Sufferers) that the petition'rs pray'd for.
1st of those Executed. £ s d
Elizabeth How ; Mary & Abigail her daughters pray'd for.........p12 0 0
George Jacobs , Georg Jacobs his son pray'd ................................p:79 0 0
Sarah Wild: Ephraim Wild her son pray'd for
...............................p14 0 0
Mary Easty . Isaack Easty her husband pr'd p 20 0 0
Mary parker Joseph & Jno parker her sons pr'd. p08 0 0
Mr Georg Burroughs , Charles Burroughs his son pr'd...........................p50 0 0
Elizabeth Core . & Martha the wife of Jno Molton he pr'd.........p21 0 0
Rebecca Nurse . Samuell Nurse her son pr'd p25 0 0
Jno. Willard. Margeret Towne his relict pr'd p20 0 0
Sarah Good . William Good her husband pr'd .......p30 0 0
Martha Carrier. Thomas Carriar her husband ................................pr'd p07 6 0
Samuell Wardell. Executed & his wife Sarah Condemned. Samuell wardell their son pr'd p36 15 0
John procter , Jno. & Thorndick his sons pr'd p150 0 0
p'rsons Condemned & Not Executed
Mrs. Mary Bradbury . Henry & Sam'l True her sons pr'd p20 0 0
Abigail Faulkner for her & her children pr'd p20 0 0
Abigail Hobs. william Hobs her father pr'd
p10 lb......10 0 0
Ann Foster Abraham Foster her son pr'd p6 10 0
Rebeccah Eames prayes p10 0 0
Dorcas King alias whore pr'd p21 12 0
Mary post prayes p8 14 0
mary Lacy Lawrence her husband pr'd p8 10 0
Elizabeth procter &
Elizabeth Johnson ] I find their names amongst the above condemned persons & no sum put to them
P'asons Imprison'd, & not Condemned petitioned for Allowances for their Imprisonm't charges &c
Sarah Buckley & Mary witredg for so much they pay'd .............................15 0 0
John Johnson for Rebecca his wife & daughter6 0 4
Capt Osgoods wife Mary...5 7 4
Sarah Cole for hers...6 10 0
Edward Bishop petitions for Jno. Barker p Mary Barker his daughters expences he for her...... .03 15 10
Rob't pease p his........13 3 0
Nath'l.Danep his...4 13 0
Jno Fry p his ...........4 17 4
Joseph Wilson p his...4 15 4
Jno. Wright p his .......0 4 0
Mercy Woodell the wife of Jno. wright for hers
5 4 0
Jno. Barker prayes for his Bro. W'm. Barkers.........3 11 0
Lawrenc Lasy for his daugher Mary 3 0 4
Jno. Marston p his wife 2 14 4
Ebenezer Barker for his wife 5 7 4
Francis Johnson for his wife then
Sarah Hawks...............5 4 0
Francis Johnson for his mother ..7 12 0 &
for his sister Elizabeth.....3 00 0 Totall -- 796 18 0
besides Mr English his demaunds Left
to the Courts Consideration & determination
Sr yo Most humble: seruant besides Mr English his demaunds Left to the
Neh: Jewet Courts Consideration & deterimnation.
(Reverse) acco't of the Comitte’s return abt the sons Suffering in the Witchcraft times
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 143. Judicial Archives. Massachusett State Archives, Boston, MA Salem, MA )
(Letter of Nehemiah Jewett to Stephen Sewell? )
[September 13, 1710]
S'r I thought good to returne you the Names of severall p'rsons that were Condemned & Executed that not any person or relations appeared in the behalf of for the takeing of the Attainder or for other Expences. they I suppose were returned to the Genr'l Courts consideration for to act about according to their best prudence.
Bridget Bishop alias Oliver,
S'r. I am y'rs Honrs to serve *Neh. Jewet
(Reverse) Mr Jewets Note about the persons condemned & not returned to the Genr'll. Court
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 181. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusett State Archives, Boston, MA Salem, MA. )
(Report of the Committee on the Reversal of Attainder, and Action of the General Court)
[September 14, 1710]
To the Hon'rd. Genr'll Court Sitting.
We whose names are subscribed, In Obedience to yo'r Hon'rs Act at a Court held the ult of May 1710; for Inserting the Names of the severall p'sons who were Condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692. & of the Damages they susteined by their prosecution. Being Mett at Salem the 13th Sept 1710. for the Ends aforesaid upon Examination of the Records of the Severall [pbar ]sons Condemned: Humbly Offer to yo'r Hon'rs the Names as Follow to be Inserted for the Reversing of their Attinders:
Elizabeth How : Georg Jacob Mary Easty .
Mary Parker . Mr. George Burroughs : Giles Core & #[Martha Core] his wife. Rebeccah Nurse . John Willard . Sarah Good . Martha Carrier . Samuell Wardell .. John Procter ; Sarah Wild
Condemned & not Executed
Mrs. Mary Bradbury , Abigail Falker Abigail Hobs . Ann Foster : Rebeccah Eams . Dorcas Hoar , Mary Post Mary Lacey.
And haveing heard the Severall Demaunds of the Damages of the afores'd par sons & those in their behalf & upon Conference have soe Moderated their Respective Demaunds that we doubt not but that they will be Readily Complyd w'th by yo'r Hon'rs which Respective demannds are as follow. Elizabeth How 12.£ George Jacob. 79.£ Mary Easty 20.£ Mary Parker . 8.£ Mr. George Burroughs . 50.£ Giles Core . & Martha Core his wife 21.£ Rebeccah Nurse 25.£ John Willard 20.£ Sarah Good . 30.£ Martha Carrier . 7.£ 6'.s Samuel Wardell & Sarah his wife 36.£ 15.s John procter & Elizabeth procter his wife 150.£ Sarah Wild 14.£ Mrs. Mary Bradbury . 20£ Abigail Falkner 20.£ Abigail Hobs . 10.£ Ann Foster . 6.£10.s Rebecca Eams . 10.£ Dorcas Hoar . 21.£17.s Mary Post 8.£14.s Mary Lacey 8.£10.s the whole amounting unto. 578.£12.s
Salem. the 15th Sept. 1710.
Yo'r Honrs most Humble Serv'ts.
[ All crosssed out]the Acco't. of yo'r servants. Charges
3 days a peic our selves & horses..........................4. 0. 0
Entertainment at Salem. Mr pratts...1. 3. 0
Major Sewals attendance & sending
Notifications to all Concerned.............................1-3- 0
[All crossed out..........................................6-3. 0]
Octor:[23] 17ll. Read & Accepted in the House of Representatives, Sent up for
*John Burrill speaker
Octo 26'0. 1711. In Council Read and Concurr'd
*Is: a Addington Sec.
(Reverse) The Committies Returne of the Names of persons attained of Witchcraft and Damages Suffered accepted Octob'r. 1711.
( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 169. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Expenses of General Court for Reversals of Attainders )
[October 30, 1711]
Province Mass'ts -- Bay D'r: to Sundry charges of the Committee Appointed by the Generall Court in June 1710, to Inquire what Names were proper to be Inserted in the Bill for the Reversing of the Attainder of Persons condemn'd for Witchcraft. &ca: viz't:
To 3 daies #[entertainment of themselves and horses being four, #[at mr. Prat's at Salem]
£: 0: 0
To Entertainment at Mr. Prats at Salem..................................1: 3: 0
To Majr. Sewal's Attendance; & sending of Notifications to all concerned.......................1: 0: 0
[Total] 6: 3: 0
*John Appleton=
In the House of Representatives Octo: 27th: 1711. Read & Resolved That the Sum
of Six Pounds & three Shillings be allowed, & Paid out of the publick Treasury to John Appleton Esq; to Discharge the said acco: Sent up for Concurrence.
Octo: 30th: 1711. In Council. Read and Concurr'd
*John Burrell Speaker
*Isa: Addington Sec
(Reverse) Resolve for paym't of L 6: 3: 0 to Jno Appleton Esq'r. on behalfe of the Committee ab't the Witchcraft.
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135, no. 171. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Act to Reverse the Attainders of George Burroughs and Others for Witchcraft )
[October 17, 1711]
Province of the Massachusets Bay: Anno Regni Anna Reginae Decimo.
An Act to reverse the attainders of George Burroughs and others for Witchcraft
Forasmuch as in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred ninety two several Towns within this Province were Infested with a horrible Witchcraft or possession of devils; And at a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem in the County of Essex in the same year 1692. George Burroughs of Wells, John Procter , George Jacobs , John Willard , Giles Core , and his wife, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Good all of Salem aforesaid Elizabeth How of Ipswich, Mary eastey , Sarah Wild and Abigail Hobbs all of Topsfield, Samuel Wardell , Mary Parker; Martha Carrier , Abigail Falkner: Anne Foster , Rebecca Eames , Mary Post and Mary Lacey all of Andover, Mary Bradbury, of Salisbury, and Dorcas Hoar of Beverley Were severally Indicted convicted and attainted of Witchcraft and some of them put to death, others lying still under the like sentance of the said Court, and liable to have the same Executed upon them.
The Influence and Energy of the Evil Spirits so great at that time acting in and upon those who were the principal accusers and Witnesses proceeding so far as to cause a Prosecution to be had of persons of known and good reputation, which caused a great disatisfaction and a stop to be put thereunto until theire Majesty's pleasure should be known therein:
And upon a Representation thereof accordingly made her late Majesty Queen Mary the second of blessed memory by Her Royal Letter given at her Court at Whitehall the fifteenth of April 1693. was Graciously pleased to approve the care and Circumspection therein; and to Will and require that in all proceedings ag't persons accused for Witchcraft, or being possessed by the devil, the greatest Moderation and all due Circumspection be used, so far as the same may be without Impediment to the Ordinary course of Justice.
(Reverse) And Some of the principal Accusers and Witnesses in those dark and severe prosecutions have since discovered themselves to be persons of profligate and vicious Conversation.
Upon the humble Petition and suit of several of the s'd persons and of the children of others of them whose Parents were Executed. Be it Declared and Enacted by his Excellency the Governor Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same That the several convictions Judgments and Attainders against the said George Borroughs , John Procter , George Jacob , John Willard , Giles Core and Martha Core , Rebecca Nurse , Sarah Good , Elizabeth How , Mary Easty , Sarah W[ild] Abigail Hobbs , Samuel Wardell , Mary Parker , Martha Carrier , Abigail Falkner , Anne Foster , Rebecca Eame[s,] Mary Post , Mary Lacey , Mary Bradbury , and Dorcas [Hoar] , and every of them Be and hereby are reversed made and d[eclared] to be null and void to all Intents, Constructions and purposes wh[atso] ever, as if no such convictions, Judgments or Attainders had ever [been] had or given. And that no penalties or forfeitures of Goods or Chattels be by the said Judgments and attainders or either of them had or Incurrd.
And Any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And that no Sheriffe, Constable, Goaler or other officer shall be Liable to any prosecution in the Law for anything they then Legally did in the Execution of their Respective Offices.
Made and Pass'd by the Great and General Court or Assembly of her Majestys Province of the Massachusets: Bay: in New England held at Boston the 17th day of october. 1711.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 136. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order for Payment of Damages by Governor Joseph Dudley )
[December 17, 1711]
By his Excellency the Governor
Whereas the Generall Assembly in thier last Session accepted the report of thier comitte appointed to consider of the Damages sustained by Sundry persons prosecuted for Witchcraft in the year 1692 viz't
£ s. d. To Elizabeth How...........12 0 0
George Jacobs...................79 0 0
Mary Eastey............................20 0 0
Mary Parker..........................08 0 0
George Burroughs................50 0 0
Giles cory & wife....................21 0 0
Rebeccah Nurse....................25 0 0
John Willard.......................20 0 0
Sarah Good...........................30 0 0
Martha Carrier....................7 6 0
Samuel Wardwell & wife.........36 15 0 [sub total] 309-1-0
John Procter and wife.............150 0 0
Sar[a]h Wild.....................014 0 0
Mary Bradbury.....................20 0 0
Abigail Faulkner............20 0 0
Abigail Hobbs.....................10 0 0
Anne Foster..........................6 10 0
Rebeccah Eames...................10 0 0
Dorcas Hoar........................21 17 0
Mary Post............................8 14 0
Mary Lacey........................8 10 0 [sub total] 269.11-00
[sub total] 309.1-0
[Total] 578-12-0
The whole amounting unto Five hundred seventy eight poundes and Twelve Shillings.
I doe by & with the advice and consent of her Maj'tys council hereby order you to pay the above sum of five hundred seventy eight poundes & Twelve shillings to Stephen Sewall Esq'r. who together with the Gentlemen of the Committe that Estimated and Reported the said Damages are desired & directed to distribute the same in proportion as above to such of the said persons as are Living. and to those that legally represent them that are dead according as the law directs & for which this shall be your Warrant.
Given under my hand at
Boston the 17. Day of December 1711 *J Dudley
(Reverse) Margaret Towne..6-12-8
[Margert Willard](/tag/willard_margaret.html......... 3-4-6
To Mr Treasurer Taylor
By order of the Governor & Council
Isa Addington Secrty.
(Reverse) Allowance to persons who were prosecuted for witchcraft 1692
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 138. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
( Request for Copy of Act for Restitution )
[** December 17, 1711]
Whereas we the Subscribers are Informed that His Excellency the Governour: Honorable Council, and Generall assembly of this province have been pleased to hear Our Supplication and answer our Prayer in passing an act in favour of us respecting our Reputations and Estates: Which we humbly and gratefully acknowledge.
And inasmuch as it would be Chargeble and Troublesome for all or many of us to goe to Boston on this affair: -- Wherefore we have and do Authorize. and Request our Trusty Freind the Worshipfule Stephen Sewall Esq'r: To procure us a Coppy of the said act, and to doe what may be further proper and necessary for the reception of what is allowed us and to take and receive the same for us and to Transact any other Thing referring to the Premises on our Behalf that may be requisite or Convenient.
Essex. December 1711 .
John Eames in behalfe of his mother Rebecca Eames
Samuel Preston on behalf of his wife Sarah Preston.
*Charles Burrough eldest son []
Abraham Foster on behalf of Sarah Preston
Samuel Osgood on behalf of his mother mary osgood
Francis Johnson on behalf of his mother, Brother & sister Elizabeth
Joseph Emerson on behalf of his wife Martha Emerson of Haverhill
John moulton on behalf of his wife Elizabeth the daughter of Giles Coree who suferd
Robert Pease on behalf of his wife
Annies King on behalf of hir mother
the sons of mary Parker deceased.
*John Johnson in behalf of his mother Rebecca Johnson & his sister
*George Jacob on behalfe of his father who suffered
*Thorndik Procter on behalfe of his father John Procter who suffered
*Benjamin.Procter son of the aboves'd
(Reverse) John. moulton on behalf of his wife
Elizabeth the daughter: of Giles Coree who suferd
Robert pea Pease on behalf of his wife
Annies King on behalf of heir mother
Doarcas hoare
willem town
Samuel nurs
Jacob estei
Edward Bishop
psons Authorizing me to Transact the Matter about the money
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 139. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State /archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of William Good for Payment and Cases of [Sarah]9/tag/good_sarah.html) and Dorothy Good )
[January 21, 1712]
To The Committee appointed by the Governour & Council for the distribution of the Money allowed by the Generall Court to the sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay my part & proportion allowed me by the said court unto Deacon Benjamin Putnam whom I have desired to pay my part or share of the necessary charge, And his receipt shall be your full discharge. from your servant
W'm Good X his mark
Salem Vill. Janua: 21.1711/12
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 142. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, MA. )
( Order of Thomas Carrier Sr. for Payment )
[January 7, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the committee appointed by the Governor and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen Court, to such as were Sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto Joseph Parker of Andover the sum allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the Same.
Andover January 7, 1711-12 *Thomas Carrier.
(Reverse) Tho. Carriers order to Parker
#[To the Gentlemen of the committee appointed by the Gen'll Court]
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 155. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. assachusetts State Archives, Boston. MA )
(Order of John Parker for Payment, Case of Mary Parker )
[January 7, 1712]
[January 7. 1711/12]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were Sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Joseph Parker the sum allowed unto us, and his receipt shall fully discharge you from the Same. Andover January 7, 1711-12 *John Parker
(Reverse) John Parkers Order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 172. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. assachusetts State Archives, Boston. MA )
(Order of Mary Post for Payment )
[January 7, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the General court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692
Please to pay and deliver unto Joseph Parker of Andover the sum allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same Mary post
Andover hur mark X
January 7. 1711-12
(Reverse) Mary post order to parker
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 173. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston. MA )
(Order of Mary Proctor for Payment, Cases of John & Elizabeth Proctor )
[January 15, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the General court, to such as were sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Thorndike Procter the sum allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same.
January 15. 1711/12
mary Procter.
(Reverse) Mary Procter
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 174. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston. MA )
(Petition of Sarah Parker for Restitution )
[January 22, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting at Salem this 22 of January 1711-12
Whereas I the Subscriber Suffered imprisonment at Salem, 17 weeks in the year 1692. and was put to great charges and Expences before I could obtain a Release And not having an oppertunity to give. your honors an account of my charges during my imprisonment when others of my neighbours and fellow sufferers, put 2in their accounts: I have thought meet to do it at this time, which is as followeth
To the keeper of the Prison two pounds eight shillings and four pence
For Court charges Thirty shillings & four pence
For necessary Expences while I attended the Court one pound four shillings
For Provisions while I was in Prison four pounds five shillings
*Sarah Parker. of Andover.
(Reverse) Sarah Parker acc't of Charges in prison &c
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 175. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Mary DeRich )
[September 9, 1710]
Mary Rich of Lynn widow in the year 1692 was Imprisoned & lost her bed & pot & other household stuff.in about halfe year
(Reverse) Mary Rich
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no 177. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Division of Money in Burroughs Restitution)
[January 3, 1712]
Forasmuch as it's made Manifest that the Children of Mr George Burroughs De[cbar ][ebar ][dbar ] by his former wives did in the time of his Imprisonment administer unto him Necessary things & were at considerable charge thereabout & for his Inteerment & that the widow had most or all of the personal Estate.
In Consideration Whereof Wee the Subscribers a Comittee apointed by the Generall Court & Consent agree & order that the six pounds 6d money yet remainingg of the fifty pounds alowed by the Government shall by payd to the s'd Children in Equal Shares.
January 3.d 1612
*John Appleton
*Thomas Noyes
*Stephen Sewall
*Neh. Jewett
(Reverse) Agreemt [= 6li] 6d the iij Burroughs
G Borroughs
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, 158. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Peter Thomas et al. for Payment, Case of George Burroughs )
[January 16, 1712]
Boston New England: Jan'r. 16th: 1711-12
Whereas we are Informed The Generall Court hath Appointed a Committee To Distribute To the Partys Concern'd: what the s'd Court have Allow'd To Make Repare Ation To the Sufferers In The Yere 1692: wherefore we desier And hereby Order: And.Impower Our Brother, Charls Burrough -- To Receive what is Allowed To Each of us And his Receipt shall be A sufficient Discharge
*Peter Thomas *Rebekah Fowle
*Jabex Fox
*Jeremiah Burrough
(Reverse) Jerem. Burroghs & Sisters order
J & S.Borroughs order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 159. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Lawrence Lacey )
[January 7, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governor & Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692
Please to pay and deliver unto Abraham Foster of Andover the sum allowed unto me and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same.
[larance](/tag/lacey_lawrence.html)lace his mark X
Andover January 7: 1711-12
(Reverse) Lawrence Lacey order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 182. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Rebecca Eames for Payment )
[January 7, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governor and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto my Son John Eames the sum allowed unto me and his receipt Shall fully discharge you from same.
January, 1711-12
rebeckah eames Ames X har mark
(Reverse) Reb Eames order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 166. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of William Wardwell et al.for Payment, Cases of Samuel & Sarah Wardwell )
[January 7, 1712]
To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Generall Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto Samuel wardel our Eldest Brother the sum allowed unto us, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same.
Andover January. 1711-12. *William wardell
*Eliakim wardel
*John Right
*Elizabeth wardell
*Ezekiel Osgood.
The children of Samuel wardel
(Reverse) Wardwells order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 165. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
( Petition of Samuel Wardwell, Jr. for Reversing Attainder and for Restitution for Sarah Wardwell )
[February 19, 1712]
To the honourable, the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting at Salem
Feb. 19. 1711-12
Whereas my mother Sarah Wardel was condemned by the court at Salem sometime in January in the year 1692, as I suppose will appear by the Records of the Tryalls at that Court, but her name is not inserted in the late Act of the Generall Court, for the taking of the Attainder of those that were condemned in that year my mother being since deceased, I thought it my duty to Endeavour that her name may have the benefit of that Act. I therefore humbly pray your Honours to Represent this case to the Honourable Gen'll Court, that my mothers name may be inserted in the said Act. And whereas in the account which I gave to your Honors when you met at Salem the Last winter, I mentioned only what was seized of my Father's Estate by the Sherriffe, but gave no account of other charges which did arise from the imprisonment of my Father and mother, they having provided for their own subsistance while they were in Prison, and I suppose there was something considerable payd to the keeper of the prison, though I am not able now to give a particular account how much it was. If your Honours please to allow me something opon that account, It will be thankfully acknowledged
Your honours
most humble servant
*Samuel wardel Feb. 19. 1711-12
(Reverse) Wardwell ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 167. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Nathaniel Dane et al. for Restitution )
[January 21, 1712]
Whereas severall of the neer Relations of us the Subscribers suffered imprisonment at Salem in the year 1692. And we were put to great charges and expence to provide for them while they were in Prison, and for Prison fees and court charges, which we were forced to pay before we could obtain their Release: An account of which we have put in to the Gentlemen of the Committees appointed by the Gen'll Court: we do unanimously agree to make our supplication to the Gen'll Court to consider the sufferings of our Relations, and the Dammage we then sustained, and to allow us for it, according to the accounts which we have given to the committee aforesaid. And to that end we humbly request the worshipfull Stephen Sewall Esq to write a Petition for us to the General Court at their next session:
Andover January 21. 1711-12
*Nathaniel Dane
*Joseph willson
*Ebenezer Barker
*francis Johnson
*John Johnson
*John: wright
*Samuel Osgood
*Sara parker
(Reverse) Severall Andovr peoples prayer for allowanc
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 168. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Elizabeth Johnson, Jr. for Reversing Attainder and for Restitution )
[February 19, 1712]
To the Honourable the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting in Salem Feb. 19. 1711-12.
Whereas the Honouble Generall Court hath Lately made an Act for the taking off the Attainder of those that were condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692. I thought meet to Inform your Honours, that I was condemned by the Court at Salem. in January. in the year 1692. as will appear by the Records of the Tryalls at said court, but my name is not inserted in said act. Being very desireous of the favour of that Act, am bold humbly to pray your Honours to represent my case to the General court at their next Session, that my name may be Inserted in that Act, if it may be, and that the Honourable Court would please to allow me Something in consideration of my charges by reason of my Long Imprisonment, which will be thankfully acknowledged as a great favour.
Andover by your Honours
Feb. 1711-12 most humble servant
*Elizabeth Johnson jun'r
(Reverse) Eliz. Johnson Jun'r petition
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2, no. 169, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Mary and Abigail How for Restitution for Elizabeth How )
[January 22, 1712]
Know all whom it doth or may consarn that we Mary and Abegill How both daughters of James How Juner of Ipswich Late deceast: being informed that the honred Generall Court hath aLowed som money for us in way of Restution for the damig we sustained in the yere 92 by that as was Called witch Craft, when our honoured mother was Executed
We pray your honours to send us the money alowed us: by our Uncle Abraham How whom we have desiered and employed to Recave the same for us
dated in Ipswich 22 of January or 12
as witnes our hands mark
Mary X How
her her
Abigill X How
(Reverse) Mary & Abigal Hows order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 156. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of George Burroughs, Jr. for Payment, Case of George Burroughs )
[January 22, 1712]
To the Gent'm of the Comittie: to Distribute the Money
the Gener'll Court allow'd to the Famelyes of those
[that] were Soffarers in the tyme of the Witch Crafte
I request that you woold. deliver my p't of the mony [unto] Colo. John. Appleton: & his Recept shall bee accept'd.
*p'r George burrouhs
[date] Jan 22. 1711
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 157, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Nathaniel Gowing, for Payment, Cases of John Proctor & Elizabeth Proctor)
[January 22, 1712]
Whereas the Governour and Generall Court have been pleased to grant a
Considerable Sum towards Restitution to those who where Sufferers in the year 1692. & have
appointed a Comittee to distribute ye Same amongs’t the [Lost]rsons [= persons]
Wherefore inasmuch as I the subscriber Married with Martha Procter one of the daughters of John Procter late of Salem deced doe Request the Gentlemen of the committee to Deliver what part and proportion May belong to Me on behalfe of my said wife, unto Capt. Ebenezar Bancroft of Lynn and his Receipt shall be your full discharge.
from your Serv't.
Jan'ry 21st 1711.
*Nathanell Gowing
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 145. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Elizabeth Very for Payment, Cases of John Proctor & Elizabeth Proctor )
[February 18, 1712]
To the Gentelmen of the Comitee appointed by the Governer and Councell to distribute the money allowed by the General Court to such as weare sufferers in the year. 1692.
Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Thorndik Procter the sume allowed unto me and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same
* Elizabeth Very
February 18th 1711/12
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. no. 144. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Joseph and Abigail Proctor for Payment, Cases of John Proctor & Elizabeth Proctor )
[February 18, 1712]
Whereas wee are Informed the Generall Couart hath a Pointed a Committee to distrubute to the pearties Consearnd what the s'd Court heath alowed to make Reparatian to such as weare sufferers in the yeare 1692. Whearfore wee doe desire-And heareby order and Impower our brother Thorndik Procter to recive what shall bee alowed to each of us and to give receit for the same-which shall fully dischargue you thearof
*Joseph Procter
abigaill Proctor X the mark
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 147. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Benjamin Nurse et al. for Payment, Case of Rebeccca Nurse )
[May 8, 1712]
To the Comittey appointed by the Generall Court to distribute what was allow'd by the s'd Court towards restitution to the relations of those whoe suffered in the Sorrowfull times called the Witchcraft times. /
pleas to pay & deliver what share & proportion belongs to me on that score unto my Brother Mr Samuel Nurse of Salem & his receipt shall be a full & sufficient discharge from
your friend &c. *Benjamin Nurse
May 8th. anno Dom 1712
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 146. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of John Nurse et al.for Payment, Case of Rebeccca Nurse )
[February 19, 1712]
Wheareas wee are Informed the Generall Court hath apointed a Committe to ditribute to the parties Concearnd what the s'd Court hath alowed to make Reparatian to the Sufferers in the year 1692
Therefore wee doe desire and herby Impowr our Brother Samuel Nurs to receive what is alowed to us and to give receipt for the same
*John nurs
*John tarbell
*Rebeka preston
*willem rusel
*martha bouden
*francis nurs
(Reverse) Nurses's order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 2, no.148. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Abigail Hobbs for Payment )
[February 19, 1712]
Whereas the Governour & Generall Court have been Pleased to grant a Considerable sum towards restitution to those who were sufferers in the year 1692: & have appointed a Committee to Distribute the same amongst the persons Concernd.
Wherefore I the subscriber (being then a sufferer) doe request the Gentlemen of the Committee to Deliver what Part and Proportion may belong to me unto my father William Hobbs , or my brother William Hobbs , (both of Topsfeild) and either of their Receipts shall be your full discharge from your servant.
Thomas Tingley: being:
the marke of
Abigaill X Hobbs
Jeremiah Ingraham: present:
February the 19: 1711/12
(Reverse) Abigail Hobbs p'order To W'm Hobbs .who received her Share
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 149. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Peter Osgood for Restitution for Mary Osgood )
[February 19, 1712]
To the honourable Comittee Salem february 19th 1711/12
Jentlemen In the Darke and sorroful tims in the yeare 1692 when so maney persons of undoubted Credett were accused of witchcrafte oure famelue as well as others: was under greatt truble & it costue us. veary considerable in owre nessarey Expencue for our Honoured and Tender Mother Duringe hir Imprismente
Wherefore requeste of youre honours to maneft itt to the members of the Jennarall Courte that wee might heave som reasenable allowance, for owre charge therein which will ever oblidge your: Searvent To pray
*Peter osgood in the name of
the reaste of the familey..
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no.170. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of John and Mary Stanyan, Case of Mary Bradbury )
[March 24, 1712]
Hampton March 24th 1711/12.
Major Sewall S'r this is to desier you to diliver to my Brother Henry True for my wife that part of money that the gen'll Court have allotted to my wife as one of Capt Bradburys Daughters & his receipt thereof shall be your discharge from your frinds and Servants
*John Stanyan
*Mary Stanyan.
(Reverse) Stanyans order to Capt True
[Total] 9-15
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 171. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of Joseph Esty for Payment, Case of Mary Esty )
[November 1, 1712]
To the much honrede mager sewell pray s'r be pleased for to pay to the barer hear of John Cumins my part of the money that the generall court did geve to the sofferers in the yere 1692 and his receit [and recit] shall be your descharg S'r I undourstand that you have payed of all my brothars; and so I would pray you for to pay the barer hearof so I rast your frind and sarvent
*Joseph Esti
from Dochestour novembour
the 01 day 1712
as wetnes my hand
(Reverse) This for John Comings in Topsfild
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no.154. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of Benjamin Proctor for Restitution )
[February 19, 1712]
Salem feb'y. 19th 1711-12 To the Honour'd Committy
The petition: of Benjamin Procter :humbly showeth: That
1 for as much as I your petitioner;was: Imprisoned. for several monthes In the time: they called wichcraft and was by that a great sufferer
2 for as much: as I was the eldest son of my father.& worked hard with my father: till I was about thirty years of age: and helped: bring up all my fathers children: by all his wives: one after another
3 for as much as: after my fathers death: I your petitioner was at great cost and trouble: In the disposition: of my s'd fathers: afairs as to the releiving:his s'd family: some of them: helples: with answering debts charges; legasies &c
All which considered your petitioner; thinketh:he: deservs: a greater share of:this: that: the country hath bin please: to alow us then: the rest of our family. doe which: I leave: to consideration: of your hon'rs: and shall for ever remain yo'r hon'rs most humble serv't
Benjamin Procter
(Reverse) Benja. Proctor's
Pet'o. to Committe
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 153. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of John and Annis King for Restitution for Dorcas Hoar )
[September 13, 1710]
An account of what John King and Annis his wife one of the Daughters of Dorcas Hoare late of Beverly Deceased. disbursed and expended on their afores'd Mother during the time of her imprisonment and Great Troubles in the year 1692.
£ s d
tt Subsistance for her 9 months when she was in Salem prison......................9 0 0
tt a Journey to Boston and money carryed to her while in prison there..............10 0
tt my Journey to Boston to carry her to Ipswich & Expence while there..............15 0
tt my wife's going two Journeys to Ipswich & Exspence & attendance upon her........10 0
tt two Journeys to Boston to procure a repreive...................................1 0 0
tt a Journey to fetch her from Ipswich to Salem.....................................5 0
[Total] £ 12 0 0
besides considerable cloathing & other things for her necessitys.
*John king.
her marke
Annis ----- King.
King.............................12 00 00
Reed..............................3 — —
[Total] 16
3 Children
Wm Hoar. Chilldren 2 S ? es...................1.11. 01
Mary Birtt:...................................– 15 6 %
Eliz Reed.....................................3.15.6 %
Annis Kinge..................................12. 15 6 %
Joanna Green..................................1. 15. 6 %
Tabath Slue 3 chilldr.........................0 15. 6 %
Charges 18s 21 08: 5........................ 21 08: 5 [“21 08: 5 written over “20 13: 3”]
.................................................8. 0
{Total] 21: 1 3
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 151. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order of George and Hannah Abbott for Payment, Case of Mary Esty )
[February 26, 1712]
Andover feb the 26: 1711-12
honoured sir thes are to dezier you to deliver to the bearer hereof John Farnum the money that falleth to my share of what the cort alowed to the sufferers in 92
I being the daughter of Goodwife Estey [Mary Esty](/tag/(esty_mary.html)cof topsfeeld: and now wife to
George Abbut in andover.
(Reverse) for the honoured majer Suell in salem
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 152. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Receipts for Sums Paid in Restitution)
[February 19, 1712]
Whereas His Excellency the Governour and General court have been pleased to grant to the persons who were Sufferers in the year 1692 some considerable alowance towards restitution with respect to what they suffered in their Estates at that Sorrowfull time & have alsoe appointed a Comitte viz. John Appl[e]ton Esq'r Thomas Noyes Esq'r John Burrel Esq'r Nehemiah Jewet Esq'r. & Stephen Sewall to distribute the Same to & amongst the parties concern'd as in & by the records & Court orders May appear. Now Know yee that wee the Subscribers hereunto being Either the proper parties or such as represent them or have full power & authority from them to Receive thier parts & shares doe acknowledge to Have Received of & from the s'd Comitte the Severall Sums Sett against our respective Names in full of our parts & Shares of the money afores'd & such of us as have orders from some of the parties concerned to receive their parts & shares doe avouch them to be real & good so that for whomsoever wee take upon us to receive any such sum wee doe oblige ourselves to Indemnify the said Comitte to all Intents constructions & purposes, wee say Received this 19th day of February anno Domi 1711/12 & in the Tenth year of
*Abram How for Mary &
Abigail How...........................................4-14- 0
*Ephraim Roberdes for James Martha & Sarah How children of John How..................................................4-14-10
Abraham marke foster for mother....................6-10- 0
Abraham marke Foster for
Mary lacey by order.................................8-10- 0
*Samuel wardel...................................36-15- 0
*Benja putnam for Sarah Good..30- 0- 0
William marke of Towne for wife widow of Willard.....6-12- 8
*Isac Estey..........................................2- 9- 0
*John Estey...........................................2- 9- 0
William Clews.......................................11- 0- 0
John Ames ten pounds by order of his mother on file....10- 0- 0
*Ephraim Wiles......................................14- 0- 0
- Abigail Faulkner............................20- 0- 0
George marke of Jacobs...........................46- 0- 0
Anne marke of Andrews................................23- 0-0
Charge... 01-13-0
[Total] 79- 0- 0
*John foster...........................................08- 7-0
*John King for himselfe & Sister Anne
Christopher marke Read Maried
Eliz. Hoar.
Joana marke Green for selfe
*Joseph Parker........................................8- 0- 0
for Mary post
*Joseph Parker........................................8-14- 0
for M. Carrier
*Joseph Parker........................................7- 6- 0
Received on the foregoing side £ s d
*Samuel Nurs for him selfe & John Nurse &
John Tarbell
Rebeccah Preston William Russel Martha
Bowden & francis Nurs......21-14- 0
Elizabeth marke Richards alias Procter
Benjam marke Procter
*Ebenezer Bancroft for Martha Procter
*Thorndik Procter. In behalf of my selfe and Joseph procter and Abigail Procter and mary procter and my sister Elizabeth Very .
Sarah marke Munion alias Procter
Elizabeth marke Procter
*Charles Burrough for myselfe and for Jeremiah£ s d Burrough and Rebekah Fowle Hanah Fox & Elizabeth Thomas.......4-2-0
each of us.....20-10- 0
John Appleton Rec'd for G'o. Burrough the same of fore poundes & two shills.
23d/ Abigail marke Hoar both £ s Rebeccah marke Hoar 20-4
Feb 23 1711
William marke Hobbs......................................9-15- 0
for his sister Abigail Hobbs4- 2 cha. 10 10- 0- 0
Leonard marke Slue for selfe & sister Racheld Mary marke Pittman alias How............................................... 10- 4
Rec'd as afores'd for George Abbott
& Hanah£ s d his wife daughter of
mary Easty.................................................2- 9- 0
March 4, 1711 by their written order forty nine shillings *John farnum
March 5: Rec'd for my selfe forty nine shillings .............................2 9 0 *Jacob esti
March 6. 1711. Received for my selfe three poundes ........................4s & 6e for my own share.
Hanah marke Willard
March 6 Rec'd for our daughter Margaret Willard being under age three pounds four shillings 6d marke William Town
Margaret marke Towne wife of s'd W'm Town.
March 22 Received for my daughter Mary Burroughs four pounds 2.s in full for her share. Mary marke Hall alias Burroughs marke
March 22, 1711-12 Received for Mary Hall my selfe Ten poundes alias Burroughs
April 5 1712 Rec'd of Stephen Sewall as afores'd..... 6 9 0
John marke Willard
May 1. 1712. Rec'd on behalfe of my wife Deborah How Two pounds seven Shilling in full.
Rec'd for Benj. Nurse fifty four shillings & 6 d May 12, 1712. *Samuel nurs
Rec'd for myself the subscriber & for my Bro'r in Law Peter Thomas in right of Elizabeth his wife & my sister Hanah fox wife of mr Jabez fox & Rebecca fowles four pounds Ten shillings.
Received for my bro'r Jeremiah Burroughs & myselfe Two pounds five shillings. *Charles Burrough
Newbury May 22d, 1712. Rec'ed for & in behalfe of my wife Jane True & Mary Stanion daughters of Mary Bradbury & for John Buss & Eliza Buss Children of Elizabeth Buss , the Sum of Nine Poundes fifteen shillings p me *Henry True
May 22d 1712. Recec. for my Brethren & Sisters being six of us in number Children of Judah Moodey one of the daughters of the afores'd Mary Bradbury Dec'd. thre pounds five shill's
May 22d 1712. Rec'd for my Sister Anne Allen & my selfe Children of Wymond Bradbury Dec'ed three pounds five Shillings
p'r me * Wymond Bradbury .
Reced for my Two Brothers William Bradbury & Jacob Bradbury myself Three pounds five shillings in full
p'r me * Thomas Bradbury.
July 27, 1712. Rec'd on the acct aforesaid Eleven pounds five shillings for my part Rec'd in full
marke Samuel X Procter
Sep'r 3d 1712. Received for my Brother Joshua & my selfe 4 18 0 which I ingage to produce his order for & send to Sewall.
*Benjamin Estie
Sept 3d. 1712. Rec'd for my sister Sarah Gills forty nine shillings which I promise to send her receipt for
*Benjamin Estie.
Nov'r 28, 1712 Rec'd for Joseph Estie [&] and by his written order forty nine shillings *John Commings.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no.140. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Summary of Receipts of the Relations & Sufferers )
[February 19, 1712]
Receipts of the relations &c of the Sufferers in the year 1692 taken February 19th. 1712.
Mr. Burroughs family Widow
Charles Burroughs
Jeremiah Burroughs
Rebecca Fowle alias Burrougs
Hannah Fox alias Burrougs
Mrs. Mary Bradburys progeny has left Wymond Bradbury Decd. ]
Judah Moodey Decd
Elizabeth Buss Decd
Families Interested in the allowance following
Children of Elizabeth How
viz. ]
Daughters ] Mary How Deborah How wife of Isa How of Roxbury Abigail How
] James How ]
] Martha How ]
] & Sarah How ]
being the children of her only son John How Decd.
William Hoar Decd left 3 daughters
Dorcas Hoar familyMary Burt widow Elizabeth Read wife of Christopher Read..4- 0-0
Annis King wife of John King......12- 0-0
Johanna Green #[wife of] widow.......................1- 0-0
Tobitha Slue left 2 children Leonard Rachel
George Jacobs family.George Jacobs only son4..............................................................................6- 0-0
Anne Andrews...........................................23- 0-0
Margret Jacobs alias Foster for her goods taken away.8- 7-0
The Charge....................................................................... 1-13-0
Mary Easteys family.x Isa Easty x John Easty x Ben. Easty x Jacob Easty x Joshua Easty x Joseph Eastyp'd to Benj Sarah Gill daughter Hanah Abbot of AndoverRebeccah Nurse familyJohn Nurse Sarah Bowden Rebeccah Preston Samuel Nurse Mary Tarbel Francis Nurse Elizabeth Russel Benj Nurse of framinghamJohn Procters family Widow alias Richards Benj. Proctor John Procter Eliz Verey Martha Join Mary Procter Thorndick Procter William Procter Joseph Procter
(Reverse) Receipts Feb 19th. 1711-12
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 141. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives.Massachusetts State Archives,, Boston. MA )
(Letter of Mary Burroughs, Case of George Burroughs )
[March 14, 1712]
Attelborow March the 14th 1711/12
Loving brother my Love Remembred unto you hoping that you eare well as I am att this present: I make bold to wright a few Lins unto you desiring you to be so kind unto mee as to send me that which is my right and proper due from the Jenerall court I pray you to send it by my mother which will take som care about it and Let me not be for gotten by you who am your sister till deth
(Reverse) Mary Burroughs
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 161. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Petition of the Children of George Burroughs )
[December 16, 1712]
Boston, Decem'r: 16th. 1712. To the Honerable Gentlemen Appointed for A Committe Relateing To the affaire of Witchcraft In the yere 1692.
Gentlemen We The Subscribers and Children of Mr Georg Burrough -- Late of wells, who suffered att Salem -- in the Trouble There Humbly offer for your Honours Consideration A few Lines Relateing our Case and Circumstances upon Acco'tt. of Our Mother in Laws Conduct and Carriage Towards us, after Our Father was Apprehended and Taken Away Our Mother in Law Laide hands upon all she Could secure (the Children were Generally unable to shift for Themselvs) and what she Could Lay hands on was her Own without Any Person but her own Daught'r to share with her, whom she Says Was to bring up but may it Please your Honour to Consider there was Seaven Children more besides That that were to bring up the Eldest of which was but Sixteen years old att That Time; but insteed of shareing in what our father Left and she had Secur'd were Turn'd to shift for Our Selves without Any Thing for So much as A Remembrance of Our father. Tho Som of us Can Remember of Considerable in the House, besides his Liberary which she Sold and Rec'd the money for; then Lett it out att Intrest and was afterward Rec'd by another Husband; and not one farthing bestowed upon any Child but her Own: This being matter of fact we Humbly Leave it with your Honours to Consider wheather of what The Honourable Generall Court allow'd &c she have not allredy Rec'd To much And the Children To Little. We Subscribe Our Selves your Honours Humble Ser'tts.
*rebaker fowl.
The mark of Eliz. Thomas *Jeremi Burrough *Charles Burrough *hannah fox
(Reverse) Petition of George Borroughs
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no.160. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives.Massachusetts State Archives,, Boston. MA )
(Letter of Rebecca Fowle )
[April 3, 1673]
Boston Aprile the 3d
Honnoured Sir: the favour which i would humbly ask of your honnour at this time is that you would please to let my brother George Burrough have what remains in your hands on the account of my deceased but Honnoured father Mr. George Burroughs Sir my request is that it may be don with out delay for every disscourse on this malloncely subject doth but give a fresh wound to my bleeding hart-but i desire to sit down in silence and remain: Sir: your Honnours most obedeint
servant *Rebekah: Fowle.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no.163. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives,, Boston, MA )
(Petition of the Children of George Burroughs )
[April 8, 1713]
To the Gentlemen appointed. A Comitte Relateing to the affairs of WitchCraft &C ]
Boston Apr'll. 8. 1713 Gentlemen we the Subscribers & Chilldren of Mr Georg Burrough who suffered in the Late Troubles att Salem. in the yere 1692. offer to your Consideration the Conduct of Our mother in Law, affter the Deth of our father: -- she made Sure of all that there was of household Goods &c togather with Our fathers Liberary which was of Som Value, Said Liberary was Sold affterward & part of the mony Came affterward into the hands of a Second husband, but Nothing thereof nor of the household Goods &c Ever Came into our hands. we were Turn'd Out into a wide world to shift for Our Selves haveing nothing to trust into but Divine Providence and the Generosity of frinds (not on the Side of our mother in Law) & som of us So young that we Can give no Acco'tt of perticular CirComstances of the family nor Capeable any of us to Give a perticuler Acco'tt of the wrong Don us Any further then we are informed by Others, but Can assure you we never had the value of Six pence to Remember Our father with when Dead and gon. And we Cannot but observe to you that what the Honerable Court Allowed when Divided among the Chilldren According to the Direction of the Same Amou'tt to but about four pounds apeice, which we think but a poor recompense (Setting aside the Deth of our father) to make good Our Due proportion of his Substance which we were Deprived of by means of his Deth, besides the Dificulties we were put unto & the Charge of bringing up, if the Consideration of w't we relate which is matter of fact well known to many besides our Selves, bee motive sufficient to Enjage yo'r Consideration of us in what you have stopt of the above mentioned Grant of the Honerable Court: we desier you to deliver what you see Cause to allow us to Our brother
(Reverse) Georg Burrough . if what we Offer be not worthy of your Consideration or Argument Sufficient that we should have what Remains in your hands, we Only desier the favour of a Speedy Answer: for the Sum as we are inform'd is so small that much trouble in the buisness will Surmount it by far should we be allowed it att Last; So that an information of your resolves in the buisness will Prove more of a favour then Tedious Delays should you Grant itt at Last. Not further att pressent but Remaine to Offer We Remaine Gentlemen your humble Ser'tts.
*Peter Thomas in behalf of my wife.
*Jabez Fox in behalf of my wife.
Children of Mr. Burroughs
Salem may 11th 1713 Majeager Seuell Sir be pleased to let my brother Charles Burrough have my part that was Leaft
So you will oblige your humble Serveant.
(Reverse) J. Borroughs order
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 162. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
(Order Appointing a Committee to Consider Phillip English's Petition)
[November 20, 1717]
A Petition of Philip English of Salem, Praying Consideration & Allowance for a great Part of his Estate taken from him (as was said) by lawful Authority in the late sorrowful time of the Witchcraft
In the House of Representatives; Read &
Ordered that Mr Speaker Burril , Mr Isaiah Tay & Jonathan Remington Esqr with such as the Hon'ble Board shall appoint be a Committee to Consider of this Petition, & all the Papers relating thereto, & Report what they think proper to be done in Answer thereto to this Court at their next Session:
Read & Concur'd; And the Hon'ble Thomas Fitch & Elisha Cook Esq'r are added to the Committee. [Passed November 20.
( The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay [Boston, 1902], vol. 9, pp.568-569.)
(Continuation of The Committee to Consider Phillip English's Petition )
[February 7, 1718]
Upon The Representation of the Committee upon Philip Englishes Petition, That by Reason of the Sickness of the said Philip English , which prevented his Meeting the said Committee at Boston, & other Accidents intervening, They could not come to any Determination nor give a Report on the said Affair this Session;
Ordered that the Committee be continued, And that they make Report as above at the Session of this Court in May next.
( Mass. Acts and Resolves , Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1902, vol.9, 574.)
(Continuation of The Committee to Consider Phillip English's Petition )
[July 3, 1718]
On The Petition of Philip English , As Enter'd June 14. 1717
Ordered that the Committee on this Petition be continued, And that they make Report to this Court at their Sessions in Autumn next.
( Mass. Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1902, vol.9, Boston, MA p. 607.)
(Final Action on Claim by Phillip English's )
[November 10, 1718]
The Report of the Committee to consider the Petition of Philip English Enter'd June 14. 1717, & all the Papers relating thereto, & report what they think proper to be done in Answer thereto to this Court, is as follows; viz,
In Obedience to the Order within mentioned, Having had several Meetings on the Affair, At which the Petitioner & sundry of the Evidences have given their Attendance, & were heard & examined; & the Petition & the Papers relating thereto, with the Representation of the Damage & Loss, being duly considered; The Committee are humbly of Opinion, It is reasonable upon the whole, that the Petitioner be allowed & paid out of the publick Treasury Two hundred Pounds, in full Satisfaction for what he may have sustained & suffered as se forth in his Petition Accompts & Papers: Which is humbly submitted
Your Honors most obedient Servt Per Order of the Comm'tee
Read & Accepted. Tho. Fitch
( Mass. Acts and Resolves , IX, 618-619.)
(Memorial & Petition by Thomas Newman & Others for George Burroughs )
[March 28, 1750]
To His Honour Spencer Phipps Esq'r:
Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in and Over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and to the Honourable the Council, and the Honourable the House of Representatives, in General Court Assembled. --
The Memorial of Thomas Newman , Abia Holbrook and Elias Thomas , Agents for their respective [relatives] the surviving Children and Grandchildren of George Burroughs formerly of Falmoth in the County of York & Province aforesaid, Clerk, Deceased, As a Supplement to the Prayer of their Memorial & Petition humbly Presented to His Excellency Governor Shirley, and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, and this Honourable House of Representatives, on the Thirty first Day of May last. --
Most humbly Suggesteth, --
That their said Memorial and Petition setting forth the Awful and Miserable Condition of the Unhappy Children and Descendants of the Reverend Mr George Burroughs , who as therein set forth, had his Blood shed, and was one of the most deplorable Victims cut off in the fatal Catastrophe in the Year 1692 -- Was by the Honourable Court referred to the Consideration of a Committeee of both Houses in June last to report what might be proper for the Court to Act Thereupon, But so it seems it hath fell out that Honourable Mr Danforth Chairman of the said Committee hath not as yet called them together so much as once to Act thereon even to this Day as some of the Honourable Committee themselves were pleased with real Concern to Signify to your said Petitioners, --
Your Memorialists therefore most humbly Supplicate (they having been put to great Expence already) that their said Memorial & Petition may be again brought forward, Read & Acted upon before the final Rising of this Court, that so a Stop may be put to the Cry of the long oppressed Sufferers --
And Your Memorialists as in Duty bound shall ever Pray &c
Boston March 28, 1750.
(Reverse) In the House of Rep'ves March 28 1750
Memorial Petition of Thomas Newman , Abia Holbrook and Elias Thomas
March 28, 1750
In the House of Rep'ves March 28, 1750 Read and Ordered that the Committee within refer'd to be directed to Sit forthwith Consider the Petition to them Committed and Report as soon as may be Sent up for concurrence, Befoe March 28, 1750.
*Tho's Hubbard Spk'r: pro Tempore
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 172 & 173. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Petition of John Parker & Joseph Parker for restitution for Mary Parker, Sept. 13, 1710)
[September 13, 1710]
In To the Honourable Comittee sitting in 17 Salem Sept 13 1710
The Representation of John Parker and Joseph Parker of Andover, of the Sufferings of their Honored mother Mary Parker Late of Andover deceased. And of the Loss and Damage they have sustained in their Estate thereby
Whereas our mother was Imprisoned, and upon her Tryall was condemned for supposed witchcraft (upon such Evidence as is now Generally thought to be Insufficient ) and Suffered the paines of Death at Salem in the year 1692. We being well satisfyed not only of her Innocency of that crime that she was Condemned for, but of her piety. humbly desire that the Attaindre may be taken off. that the Reproche that she that so her name that has suffered may be restored.
The Account of our charges and of the Loss and damage we have sustained in our Estate is as followeth.
To money payd the Sheriffe in lieu of Cattle and corn which he had seised.......2:15:0:
To the Keeper & to the clerk of the Court.......................................2:15:0:
Our charges and Expences otherwayes for our mother we compute to be
besides our time which we desire nothing for...................................4:16:0:
We had a sister that suffered Imprisonment upon the same account whose charges are included in this Account
Notwithstanding our Loss and damage: hath been so Great. If we may be allowed Eight pounds we Shall be Satisfyed pE John Parker Joseph Parker the sons of the Deceased
(Reverse) Mary Parker of Andover Condemned & Executed
( Massachusetts Archive, vol. 135,no. 168. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA )
(An Act for Reversing the Attainder of Abigail Faulkner, Sarah Wardel, Elizabeth Proctor)
Whereas Abigail Faulkner, wife of Francis Faulkner of Andover in the County of Essex, Sarah Wardel Wife of Samuel Wardel of the same place, Elizabeth Proctor Wife of John Proctor of Salem Village within the said County. In the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery holden at Salem within the said County of Essex in the year One Thousand Six hundred ninety two were arraigned convicted and attainted of Felony for practicing Witchcraft, who have now humbly petitioned this Court, That the said Attainders may be set aside and made void.---Wherefore
Be it Declared & Enacted by his Excellency the Governor Council and Representatives in Generalcourt Assembled, and by the authority of the same,
That the said Several convictions, Judgements and Attainders of the said Abigail Faulkner, Sarah Wardel, Elizabeth Proctor and every of them be, and are repealed, reversed, made and declared null and void to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever; as if no such convictions, Judgements or Attainders had ever been had or given. And that no corruption of blood, pains penalties or Forfeitures of Goods or Chattels be by the said convictions and Attainders or any of them incurred, But that the said persons and every of them be and hereby are reinstated in their just Credit and reputation---
Any Law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding
[Passed July 27]
( Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Private Acts. vol. 6, 1692–1780, no. 16 (Boston: Wright and Potter, 1896), p. 49. )
( An Act for Reversing the Attainders of Abigaill Faulkner, & Others )
Att a Great & Generall Court or assembly of Her Majties Province Of ye Massachusets Bay in New England begun and held at Boston Upon Wednesday The Twenty sixth of May 1703 & continued by adjournment unto Wednesday the thirtieth of June following & Then Mett: Province of ye Massachusetts Bay} An Act for reversing the attainders of Abigail Faulkner & others:
Whereas Abigail Faulkner Wife Of Francis Faulkner of Andover in ye Countey of Essex Sarah Wardel Wife of Samuel Wardel of ye same place Elizabeth Proctor Wife of John Proctor of Salem Village within the said County In ye Court of Oyer & Terminer & Goal Delivery holden att Salem within ye said Countey of Essex In the yeare One thousand Six hundred Ninety two were arraigned convicted & attainted of Felony for practising Wichcraft who have now humbly Petitioned This Court that ye said attainders May be set aside & made void Wherefore
be it Declared & Enacted by his Excellency the Governour Council and Representatives in Generall Court assembled and by the Authority of ye same
That the said severall Convictions Judgments and attainders of ye said Abigail Faulkner Sarah Wardel Elizabeth Proctor and Every of them be and are repealed reversed made and declared Null and Void to all Intents Construcons & purposes Whatsoever as if no such Convictions Judgments or Attainders had Ever been had or given: And that no corrupcon of blood pains penalties or Forfeitures of Goods or chattels be by the said Convictions and Attainders or any of them Incurred but that The Said Persons and Every of them be and are hereby reinstated in their Just Credit & Reputacon Any Law usage or Custom to ye Contrary Notwithstanding [Passed July 27.]
( Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Private Acts. vol. 6, 1692–1780, no. 16 (Boston: Wright and Potter, 1896), p. 49. )
(An Act to Reverse the Attainders of George Burroughs and Others For WitchCraft)
[October 17, 1711]
Forasmuch as in the year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety two Several Towns within this Province were Infested with a horrible Witchcraft or Possession of devils: And at a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem in the County of Essex in the same year 1692. George Burroughs of Wells, John Proctor, George Jacob, John Willard, Giles Core and his wife, Rebecca Nurse, and Sarah Good all of Salem aforesaid. Elizabeth How of Ipswich, Mary Eastey, Sarah Wild and Abigail Hobbs all of Topsfield, Samuel Wardell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Falkner, Anne Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post and Mary Lacey all of Andover, mary Bradbury of Salisbury, and Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Were severally Indicted convicted and attainted of Witchcraft, and some of them put to death, others lying still under the like Sentence of the said court, and liable to have [y]e same Executed upon
The Influence and Energy of the Evil Spirits so great at that time acting in and upon those who were the principal accusers and Witnesses proceeding so far as to cause a Prosecution to be had of persons of known and good reputation. which caused a great Disatisfaction and a Stop to be put thereunto until their majesty's pleasure should be known therein.
And upon a Representation thereof accordingly made, Her late Majesty Queen Mary the Second of blessed Memory, by Her royal Letter given at Her Court at Whitehall the fifteenth of April 1693. was Graciously pleased to approve the care and Circumspection therein; and to will and require that in all proceedings agt persons accused for Witchcraft, or being possessed by the devil, the greatest moderation and all due circumspection be used, So far as the same may be without Impediment to the ordinary cause of Justice.
And Some of the principal accusers and Witnesses in those dark and severe prosecutions have since discovered themselves to be persons of profligate and vicious conversation.
Upon the humble Petition and Suit of several of the sd persons and of the Children of others of them whose Parents were Executed.
Be it Declared and Enacted by his Excellency the Governor Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the Authority of the same That the several convictions Judgements and Attainders against the said George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacob, John Willard, Giles Core and--.Core, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Elisabeth How, Mary Easty, Sarah W[ild] Abigail Hobbs, Samuel Wardell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Falkner, Anne Foster, Rebecca Eame[s], Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury and Dorcas H[oar] and every of them Be and hereby are reversed made and de[clared] to be null and void to all Intents, Constructions and purposes wh[atso]ever, as if no such Convictions, Judgments or Attainders had ever [been] had or given. And that no penalties or fforfeitures of Goods or Chattels be by the said Judgments and attainders or either of them had or Incurr'd.
Any Law Usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And that no Sheriffe, Constable Goaler or other officer shall be Liable to any prosecution in the Law for anything they then Legally did in the Execution of their respective offices.
Made and Pass’d by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her Majesty’s
Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England held at Boston the 17th day of
October. 1711.
( Essex County Court Archives, vol. 2, no. 136, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )