SWP No. 078: George Jacobs, Sr. Executed, August 19, 1692
(Warrant for apprehension of George Jacobs, Sr. and Margaret Jacobs, & Officer's Return )
[May 10, 1692]
To: The Constables in Salem.
You are in theire Majests names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us. George Jacobs Senr of Salem, And Margaret Jacobs the daugter of George Jacobs Junr of Salem Single woman Who stands accused, of high suspition of sundry acts of witchcraft by them both Committed on Sundry persons in Salem to theire great wrong and Injury and hereof faile not. Dated Salem May 10th 1692
per us.
*John Hathorne ] Assists.
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assists
To constable Joseph Neale
May the 10th: 1692
Then I apprehended the Bodyes of George Jacobs Sen'r and Margret Jacobs Daughter of George Jacobs Jun'r Both of Salem, According to the Tenor of the Above warrant per me
*Joseph Neale Constable in Salem.
(Reverse) Warrant
George Jacobs.
Margaret Jacobs .
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 220, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Mittimus for George Jacobs, Sr. , William Hobbs , Edward Bishop , Bridget Bishop , Sarah Wilds , Mary Black , Mary English , Alice Parker , and Ann Pudeator.)
[May 12, 1692]
To the Keeper of theire [Torn]
You are in theire Majests names her [Torn] to take ino your care and safe Custody [Torn] of George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem husbandman (Torn)of Salem ffarmes husbandman William Hobs of [Torn] husbandman, Edward Bushop of Salem Village Husband. [Torn] Bushop Alias Olliver the wife of Edward Bushop of Salem Sawyer Sarah Wild: the wife of John Wild: of Topsfeild, Mary a Negro Woman of L't Nathaniell putnams of Salem Village Mary English the wife of phillip English of Salem Merchant; Allice parker the wiffe of John parker of Salem Seaman, and Ann pudeattor of Salem Widdow, who all and Everyone of them: Stand Charged in behalfe of theire Majests: With sundry acts of Witchcraft, Latly donne or Committed by them on the Bodys of Mary Walcot Abigail Williams Marcy Lewis Ann Putnam Eliz Hubberd Susannah Sheldon and Others of Salem Village and farmes, whereby great hurt hath bene donne them, Whome you are well to secure in sayd Goale untill they shall be thence delivered by and order of Law, and here of you are not to faile Dated Salem May the 12th 1692
P'r us *John Hathorne Assists.
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assists.
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 25, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Examinations of George Jacobs, Sr. )
[May 10, 1692]
The Examination of Geo: Jacobs Sen'r 10 May. 1692
Here are them that accuse you of acts of witchcraft
Well, let us hear who are they, and what are they.
Abigail Williams - Jacobs laught.
Because I am falsely accused. -- Your worships all of you do you think this is true?
Nay, what do you think?
I never did it.
who did it?
Don't ask me.
Why should we not ask you? Sarah Churchwell accuseth you, there she is.
I am as innocent as the Child born to night, I have lived. 33. years here in Salem.
What then?
If you can prove that I am guilty, I will lye under it,
Sarah Churchwell said last night I was afflicted at Deacon Ingersolls , and Mary Walcot said it was a man with 2 staves, it was my
Pray do not accuse me, I am as clear as your Worships; you must do right judgments.
What book did he bring youSarah?
The same that the other woman brought.
The Devill can go in any shape.
Did he not [be] appear on the other side of the river and hurt you, did not you see him.
Yes he did.
Look there, she accuseth you to your face, she chargeth you that you hurt her twise. Is it not true?
What would you have me say? I never wronged no man in word nor deed.
Here are 3 evidences.
You tax me for a wizard, you may as well tax me for a buzard I have done no harm.
Is it no harm to afflict these?
I never did it.
But how comes it to be in your appearance?
The Devil can taken any likeness.
Not without their consent.
Please your worship it is untrue, I never showed the book, I am as silly about these things as the child born last night.
That is your Saying, you argue you have lived so long, but what then Cain might live long before he killed Abel, & you might live long before the Devill had so prevailed on you.
Christ hath suffered .3. times for me.
What three times
He suffered the Crosse, & gall --
You had as good confesse (said Sarah Churchwell) if you are guilty.
Have you heard that I have any witchcraft?
I know you lived a wicked life.
Let her make it out.
Doth he ever pray in his family?
Not unless by himself.
Why do you not pray in your family?
I cannot read.
Well but you may pray for all that. Can you say the Lords prayer?
Let us hear you?
He mist in severall parts of it, & could not repeat it right after many trialls
Sarah Churchwell, when you wrote in the book you was showed your Masters name you said.
Yes Sir.
If she say so, if you do not know it, what will you say?
But she saw you, or your likeness tempt her to write.
One in my likeness, the Devil may present my likeness.
Were you not frighted Sarah Churchwell, when the representation of your master came to you?
Well: burn me, or hang me, I will stand in the truth of Christ, I know nothing of it.
Do you know nothing of getting your son George & his daughter Margaret to signe?
No nothing at all.
11. May, 1692.
[May 11, 1692]
The bewitched fell into most grevious fits & screhings when he came in.
Is this the man that hurts you?
Abig Williams cryed out this is the man & fell into a violent fit.
Ann Putman said this is the man, & he hurts her, & brings the book to her, & would have her write in the book, & she should be as well as his Grand daughter.
Mercy Lewis is this the man?
This is the man (after much interruption by fits) he almost kills me.
Eliz: Hubbard said the man never hurt her till to day he came upon the Table.
Mary Walcot is this the man?
After much interruption by fits she said this is the man, he used to come with two staves & beat her with one of them.
What do you say, are you not a witch?
No I know it not, if I were to dye presently.
Mercy Lewes went to come near him but fell into great fits.
Mercy Lewes testimony read. What do you say to this?
Why it is false, I know not of it, any more than the child that was born to night.
Ann Putman said yes, you told me so, that you had been so this .40. years.
Ann Putman & Abigail Williams had each of them a pin stuck in their hands, & they said it was this old Jacobs .
Abigail Williams Testimony read.
Are not you the man that made disturbance
(Reverse) at a Lecture in Salem?
No great disturbance. Do you think I use Witchcraft?
Yes indeed.
No I use none of them.
The Examination of Geo: Jacobs, Sen'r.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 224, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 1 of George Jacobs, Sr. for Afflicting Mary Walcot )
[+ August 4, 1692]
Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto Essex ss
The Jurors for our Soverigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen prsents that George Jacob sen'r of Salem husbandman -- the 11th day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen defed'rs of the faith &c and divers other days and Times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries -- Wickedly and felloniously hath Used. Practised and Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex afore s'd: in upon and ag't: one Mary Walcott of Salem villiage Singlewomen --
by which said wicked arts the said Mary Walcot the 11th day of May in the fourth year above said and divers other days and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted. Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented and also for Sundrey other acts of witchcraft, by said George Jacobs . Committed and done before and Since that time agt: the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't: the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided.
Witnesses --
Marcy Lewis
Mary Walcott
Eliz. Hubbard
Ann Putman
Sarah Churchill
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 24, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 2 of George Jacobs, Sr., for Afflicting Mercy Lewis, (Returned Ignoramous) )
[+ August 4, 1692]
Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto: Essex: ss
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen prsents. That George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem in the County of Essex the 11th day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c. and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and sorceries Wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the county of Essex, aforesaid in, upon, and ag't: one Marcy Lewis, of Salem village Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Marcy Lewis the 11th day of May in the fourth year abovesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined consumed wasted and Tormented and also for sundry other acts of witchcraft by said George Jacobs Committed and Done before and since that time ag't: the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the forme of the Statutes in that Case made and provided:
Marcy Lewis
Mary Walcott.
Eliz. Hubbard
Sarah Churchill.
(Reverse) George Jacobs no (2)
Indictment Ignoramus
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 222, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Summons for Witnesses v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[August 4, 1692]
W'm and Mary by the Grace of God of England &c King and Queen &c.
To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy or Constables of Salem Greeting.
Wee comand you to Warn & give notice unto Joseph Flintt John Waters sen'r John Doritch Corpo'll John foster Capt Puttnam and [his] Rebecca his wife that they & Every of them be & appear forthwith att the Court of Oyer & Terminer holden at Salem there to Testifie the truth to the best of your knowledge on certain Indictments Exhibited against George Jacobs Sen'r hereof make return faile not.
Dated in Salem Aug't 4th 1692, & in the fourth yeare of our Reigne
*Stephen Sewall Cler.
(Reverse) G. Jacob(s)
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 225, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Abigail Williams v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[May 11, 1692]
The Testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth & saith that she hath severall times seen, & been very much afflicted by the Apparition of Geo: Jacobs Sen'r of Salem at & before the .11. May, 1692.
(Reverse) Abig: Williams
ag'st Geo: Jacobs Sen'r
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 223, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of George Herrick & William Dounton v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[August 4, 1692]
The Testimony of George Herrick aged thirty fouer yeares or theirabouts Testyfeyeth and Saith that Some time in May Last by order of their Majesties Justices I went to the prison in Salem to Search George Jacobs Sen'r and likewise William Dounton the Goale keeper and Joseph Neale constable was in presence and concerned with mee in the search where under the s'd Jacobs his Right Sholder wee found A tett aboute A quarter of an Inch longue or better with A Sharpe point Drupeing downwards so that I tooke A pinn from s'd Dounton and Run it through the s'd tett but their was nither watter blood nor curruption nor any other matter and so wee make Returne: William Dounton testifeyeth the above written and we farther Testefy and say that the s'd Jacobs was not in the least Senceable in what wee had done for after I had made Returne to the majestrates and Returned I tould the s'd Jacob And hee knew nothing before Sworne in Court Aug't. 4. 92
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 228, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Testimonies of Mary Warren, Elizabeth Hubbard, Mary Walcott, & Sarah Bibber v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[August 4, 1692]
Mary Warin afirmd: before the Jury of Inquest: that George Jacobs sen'r has: afflicted her: s'd Warin and beat her with his staffe he or his Apperition: s'd Warin ses she had seen s'd Jacobs or Apperition afflict Mary Walcot and beat her with his staffe: she sayd also that s'd Jacobs has: afflicte Ann Putman s'd warin verily thinks: s'd George Jacobs is a wizard Aug't: 4: 1692. upon her oath
Jurat in Curia.
Elizabeth Hubbard Affirmed to the #[grand] Jury of Inquest: that she hath seen: George Jacob sen'r: afflict: Mary Walcot Ann Putnam and Abigail Williams: and s'd Jacobs: or his Appearition has sorely afflicted her said Eliz Hubbard: Aug: 4. 1692. upon her oath.
Jurat in Curia.
Mary Walcot Affirmed before the Jury of Inquest that she hath seen George: Jacobs Sen'r afflict Mary Warin and Ann Putnam and Elizabeth Hubbard: and s'd Jacobs or his Apperition hath hurt her s'd Mary Walcotand beat her with his staffe: Aug't 4: 92 upon her oath s'd Walcot s'd she verily beleeve s'd Jacobs is a wizerd: and: that on the day and time of s'd Jacobs his examination; he afflicted: her and Ann Putman and Elizabeth Hubbard
Jurat in Curia
Sarah Churchwell: Affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that George Jacobs Sen'r or his Apperition:has afflicted: her s'd. Churchell: by choaking of her and #[she] veryly thinks that s'd Jacobs: did it by witch craft.
Jurat in Curia
Sarah Vibber made Oath that she Saw him this George Jacobs at the Gallows when Goody Olliver was executed & the black man help him up. & that she saw him aflict Mary Walcot & beat hir with his Staffe.
Jurat in Curia.
(Reverse) Severall Evidences
Contra. Georg: Jacobs.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 226, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of John DeRich v. George Jacobs, Sr. et al.)
[+ August 4, 1692]
John Doritch aged 16 years or thereabouts Testifieth and Saith.
That John Small and his wife Anne both deceased and formerly of the Towne of Salem doth both appear to this Deponent and told him that they would tare him to peices if he did not goe and Declare to Mr. Harthorne that George Jacobs senior: Did kill them: and likewise that Mary Warrens mother did appeare to this Deponent this day with a white man and told him that goodwife Parker and Oliver did kill her: and Likewise Core Procter and his wife: Sarah Procter Joseph Procter and John Procter did all afflict this deponent and do continually every day sense he hath began to be afflicted: and would have him this deponent to sett his hand to a Booke but this deponent told them he would not: Likewise Phillip English and his wife Mary doth appear to this deponent and afflict him and all the aboves'd persons Thretten to tare this Deponent in peices if he doth not Signe to a Booke: Likewise Goodwife Pease and Hobs and her daughter Abigail doth Afflict him and thretten the same: and Likewise a woman appeares to this Deponent who lives at Boston at the Uper end of the Towne whose name is Mary: she goes in black clothes hath: but one Eye: with a Crooked Neck and she saith there is none in Boston like her, she did afflict this deponent but saith she will not any more, nor tell him her name./
Jurat all relating to the
prisoner at the Barr.
(Reverse) John Derick against George Jacobs
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 227, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Mercy Lewis v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[+ August 4, 1692]
The deposistion of Mercy Lewes who testifieth and saith that on 20th: April 1692: att or about midnight there appeared to me the apperishtion of an old; very gray headed man and tould me that his name was George Jacobs and that he had had two wives and he did tortor me and beate me with a stick which he had in his hand: and urged me to writ in his book which I refused to doe: and so he hath continewed ever sence by times coming sumtimes with two sticks in his hands to afflect me still tempting me to writ in his book: but most dredfull he fell upon me and did tortor me on the 9th of May at eveing after I came whom from the Examination of his maid: threating to kill me that night if I would not writ in his book; because I did witnes against his maid and perswaded her to confess but because I would not yeald to his hellish temtations he did tortor me most cruelly by bating me with the two sticks which he had in his hands: and allmost redy to pull all my bones out of joynt tell my strenth and, hartt was Redy to fail but being up held by an Allmighty hand and incouraged by them that stood by I indured his tortors that night. the 10th May he againe sett upon me and afflected me most greviously a great many times in the day: still urging me to writ in his book: but att evening he againe tortored me most greviously by pinching me and beating me black and blue and threating to kill me if I would not writ in his book but I tould him I would not writ in his book tho he did kill me and tare me all to peaces: then he profered me to give me gold and many figne things if I would writ in his book: but I tould him I would not writ in his book if he would give me all the world then againe he did tortor me most greviously but at last went away from me: also on the 15th May 1692. being the day of the Examination of George Jacobs then I saw that it was that very man that tould me his name was George Jacobs and he did also most dreadfully torment me allmost redy to kill me and I verily beleve in my hart that George Jacobs is a most dreadfull wizzard and that he hath very often afflected and tormented me #[and Mary Walcott andn Elizabeth Hubbard] by his acts of witchcraft.
Mercy Lewis declared to the Jury of Inquest that: the above written evidence [is the] truth.
(Reverse) Marcy Lewis
ag't Geo. Jacobs
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 229, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Joseph Flint v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[+ August 4, 1692]
The deposicon of Joseph Flintt aged 30 yeares
Saith that being at the house of Mr Thomas Beadles on the 11th of May 1692 when the Magistrates were Examining George Jacobs his Grandaughter and understanding that she had Confessed I this deponent went into the other room where George Jacobs was & Told him that his Grandaughter had Confessed he asked me what she had confessed I told him that she had Confest she was a witch or that she had Set her hand to the Devil's booke Whereupon s'd Jacobs said that She was charged not to confess & then I asked him who charged her not to confess, he then made & stop & at last said that if she were Innocent & yet Confest she would be accessary to her owne death
Jurat in Curia marke C
Joseph Flint
(Reverse) Joseph Flint ags't
Geo. Jacobs Sen'r.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 230, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Abigail Williams v. George Jacobs, Sr., Margaret Jacobs, George Jacobs Jr., Rebecca Jacobs, Sarah Churchill, Philip English, & Mary English)
[May 10, 1692]
Abigail Williams Testifyeth & saith that an old man that goes with two sticks hath appeared to & hurt her many times by pinching & bringing the book for hir to set her hands unto, & the man told her his name was Jacobs the father of Geo: Jacobs & the Grandfather of Margaret Jacobs & he had made said Margaret set her hand to the book & Sarah Churchwell & his son Geo. Jacobs & his wife & another woman & her husband viz. Mr. English & his wife: also that she said Margaret had hurt her pretty much to day & at other times & brought her the book severall times to night but not before.
We whose names are underwritten testifye that we heard the above s'd Abigail relate the charge afore s'd .this .10. #[Apr] day May. 1692
*Nathaniel Ingersoll
*Jonathan Walcott
*John Louder
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 23b, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Thomas Putnam and John Putnam, Jr. v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[May 11, 1692]
The Deposistion of Thomas putnam agged 40 years and Jno. putnam aged 36 years who testifie and saith that we haveing been converssant with divers of the afflected parsons as mary walcott mercy lewes Eliz. Hubburd Abigail williams and Ann putnam and others have seen them most dreadfully tormented and complaining of old Jacobs for hurting them but on 11:th May 1692 being the day of the examination of George Jacobs sen'r the afforesaid parsons ware most dreadfully tormented dureing the time of his examination as if indeed their bones would have ben disjoynted: being in such misery as we could hardly hold them and wee beleve that George Jacobs the prizsoner att the barr as very often afflicted and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft
*Thomas putnam
*John putnam
Jurat in Curia
( Bowditch Mss. Witchcraft Papers, no. 26a, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[May 11, 1692]
The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that I had ben most greviously afflected by George Jacobs sen'r but most Dreadfully tormented by him on 11th: of May 1692 dureing the time of his examination also on the day of his examination I saw George Jacobs or his Apperance most greviously torment mary walcott Eliz. Hubburd and I beleve in my hart that George Jacobs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he hath very often afflected me and the affore mentioned pasons by his acts of witchcraft
ann putnam ownid this har testimony bifore the Juriars of Inquest: one her oath this 4 day of agust: 1692
Jurat in Curia
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 26b, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of John DeRich v. George Jacobs, Sr. )
[August 3, 1692]
The testimoney of John derich Agged bout 16 yeares testifieth and saith that somtim in May last paste: Gorge Jacobs sin'r Cam to me and bid me goe to my wife and tell her that she muste send me some money: and he bid me that I should not Eate any of his Cheires: and divers times sence he hath bine in prissone he hath afflicted me several ways by pinching and by sraching and bitting and told me that if I would not Sett mi hand to his boocke he would destroye me and lead me in to the water and would have drowned me and natheinnil Wattere tooke me out of the water and the prisoner Knockt me downe with his Stafe: the 3 day of this instant Augst: and while I was writting mi testimoney he told me that he did not Care for that writting and told me that #[th] He had bin a wizard this fortie yeares
Jurat in Curia
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 27, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA.)