SWP No. 012: Sarah Bibber
( Testimony of John Porter and Lydia Porter Regarding Sarah Bibber), in Support of Rebecca Nurse )
[++ June 29, 1692]
The Testimony of John Porter: And Lidia Porter These
The Testimony of John Porter, who Testifieth & sayth that Goodwife Biber Somtime living amongst us I did observe her to be a woman of An unruly turbulent Spirit; And shee would often fall into strange fitts; when shee was crost of her humor: Likewise Lidia Porter Testifieth, that Goodwife Bibber And her Husband would often quarrel & in their quarrels shee would call him, very bad names, And would have strange fitts when she was crost, And a woman of an unruly turbulent spirit, And double tongued
(Reverse) Jn'o Porters Evidence in behalfe of the p'rson'es in Invalidating Sarah vibber
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, Vol. 2, No. 119. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
( Testimony of Joseph Fowler Regarding Sarah Bibber, in Support of Rebecca Nurse )
[++ June 29, 1692]
The Testimony of Joseph fowler, who Testifieth that Goodman Bibber & his wife, Lived at my house, and I did observe and take notice, that Goodwife Bibber was a woman, who was very idle in her calling And very much given to tatling & tale Bareing makeing mischeif amongst her neighbo'rs, & very much given to speak bad words and would call her husband bad names & was a woman of a very turbulent unruly spirit
(Reverse) Against Bibber & Wife
Joseph fowler
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. 2, no. 120, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
( Testimony of Thomas Jacobs and Mary Jacobs, Regarding Sarah Bibber), in Support of Rebecca Nurse )
[++ June 29, 1692]
The testymony of Thomas Jacob and mery his wife doth testyfy and say that good bibbor #[and] now that is now counted aflicketed parson she did for a time surgin in our hous and good bibber wood be very often spekeking against won and nother very obsanely and thos things that were very falls. and wichshing very bad wichchis and very often and she wichs that wen hor chill fell into the rever that she had never pull #[out] hor chilld out and good bibbor yous to wich ill wichches to horselfe and hor chilldren and allso to others: the nayborhud werr she liveued amonkes aftor she bered: hor fust housbon hes tolld us that this John bibbor wife coud fall into fitts as often as she plesed ["d" written over "s"]
[In left margin] The Testimony of Richard Walker; who Testifieth; that Goodwife BibberSomtimes, Living neare to me, I did observe her to be a woman of an unruly turbulent spirit, And would often fall into strange fitts: when any thing crost her humor
(Reverse) Tho. Jacobs
goody fiber
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft. vol. 2, no. 121. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )
( Testimony of Sarah Nurse Regarding Sarah Bibber, in Support of Rebecca Nurse )
[++ June 29, 1692]
the testimony of Sarah Nurs aged 28 years or th[ere]
abouts who testifieth and saith that being in the Cour[t] this 29 of June 1692 I
sawe goodwife bibber pull o[ut]
pins out of her Close and held them betwene h[er]
fingers and Claspt her hands round her knese and
then she Cryed out and said goody Nurs prict
her this I can testifie if Calld as witnes my mark S her mark
Sarah Nurs
(Reverse) Evidences in behalfe of the prison'rs
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 37b, Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, MA. )