SWP No. 058: Elizabeth Fosdick
(See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint.)
(Complaint v. Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine )
[May 30, 1692 ]
Salem May the. 30th 1692
L't Nathaniell putnam and Joseph Whipple of Salem Village made Complaint in behalfe of their Majest's against Elizabeth fosdick of #[Charlstown] Maulden the wife of John Fosdick . afore'd Carpenter And Elizabeth paine of #[Maulden] Charlstown the wife of Stephen paine of s'd place husbandman for sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed Lately on the Bodys of Marcy Lewis and Mary Warren of Salem Village or farmes to theire great hurt therefore Craves Justice.
*Nathanell Putnam
*Joseph whipple
The abovesayd Complaint was Exhibited before us Salem May
the. 30th 1692
*John Hathorne ] Assist's
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assist's
peter Tufts of Charlstowne also appeared before us Salem
June 2d 1692. and also #[made a] Complained against
both the aboves'd. for acts of Witchcraft by them Committed
on his negro Woman
The Mark XO of
peter Tuffs
(Reverse) Elizabeth fosdick
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 17, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Warrant for Apprehension of Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine )
[June 2, 1692 ]
To the Marshall or Sheriff of the County of Middlesex or dep't:
You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us at Salem. forthwith or as soon as may be: Elizabeth Fosdick the wife of John Fosdick of #[Charlstown] Maulden Carpenter. and Elizabeth paine the wife of #[William] Stephen paine](/tag/paine_stephen.html) of Charlstowne husbandman, for sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Comitted Lately on the Bodys of Marcy Lewis Mary Warren &c of Salem Village or Farmes. to theire great hurt and Injury accord'g to Complaint Exhibited before us appears. faile not Dated Salem June the 2d 1692
Per us *John Hathorne ] Assist's
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assist's
I doe Appoint Sam'll Gibson of Cambridge To Serve this Warrant To effect
*Sam'll Gookin Marsh'll for Mddx.
June 2d 1692
June 2nd 1692 I have apprehended the body of the above named Elizabeth Paine and Delivered her unto the sheriff of the County of Essex att Salem in the County afores'd in order to her Examination and waite in Expectation of the above s'd Elizabeth Fosdick by mee
June 3 92
I have all so apprehended the body of Elizabeth Fosdick of mauldin & delivered har to the above said sheriff of Essex.
*Small: Gibson the marsh dep. [Sh Dep]
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 no. 16, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )