SWP No. 020: Hannah Bromage
(See also: Mary Green -- Warrant)
(Examination of Hannah Bromage )
[July 30, 1692 ]
30 July 92
The Examination of Hannah Broomage [before] Major Gedney Esq'r & other their Majesties justices.
Severall persons present who had not acused her being privatly desired to look on her & take her by the hand, They did the same without receiving any harm. But Mary Walcot & ann Putnam who had acused her being called, and s'd Broomage being required to look on them, She Essayeing so to Doe they wer Struck into fitts. & she recovered them again by her touch.
S'd Mary Walcot & ann Putnams testimonys wer read. Ann Putnam being #[afected], in a fit. the rest of the afflicted s'd they saw Broomage upon her.
Goody Bridges said that Broomage was in her society at Ballards house telling to her face she was there in her spirit & urged her to confess, that being the way to eternal life. S'd Bridges said further that broomage hurt ballards wife by sitting on her breast. And Ann Putnam being in a violent fitt, said Bridges & lacey S'd they saw Broomage upon her and walcot s'd she saw broomage Stabb Putnam w'h a Spear.
Said Bridges told Broomage that the devil would not Leave her untill she did confess and therefore urged her so to doe.
S'd Broomage said she had been under some dead nes w'h respect to the ordnances for the matter of 6 weeks, And a sudden sug- getion come into her heed sayeing I can help thee with strenth., To which she answered avoid satan.
she being asked what shap the devil appeared to her answered 0she believed the devil was in her heart And being asked severall other questions, she returned negative answers./
( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2670, p. 3, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA.)
(Indictment v. Hannah Bromage, for Afflicting Mary Walcott, Returned Ignoramous)
[January 13, 1693 ]
Province of the Massathuteth Bay in New England EssexAnno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Dom: 1692
The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen Presents That Hannah Bromage of Haverill wife of Bromage of Haverill in the Court of Essex afors'd Upon the Thirtieth Day of July last in the yeare 1692 aforesaid -- and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries: Wickedly Mallishously & felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex aforesaid upon and against one Mary Walcott of Salem aforesaid Single Woman By which Wicked Arts the said Hannah Bromage -- The Day and year afore s'd and Divers [other] Days and Times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined & wasted ag't the Peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that case made and Provided.
(Reverse) Ignoramus
Robert Payne
( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2674, p. 5, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives.)